Internal template to integrate banking services into the EPS Payments layer.
- 📂 /src/main/java/in/eko/service/
- 📁 model/
POJO/Business Objects
- 📁 service/
Service provider integration business logic
- 📁 persistence/
Database Query Language
- 📁 requestView/
Parameters used in request
- 📁 responseView/
Parameters used in response
- 📁 factory/
Factory design patterns, methods, objects, etc.
- 📁 resources/
API endpoints
- 📁 exception/
Custom exceptions
- 📁 tasks/
Batch jobs definition and its configurations
- 📁 util/
Constants and helper methods
- 📁 hibernate/
Application connection management
- 📁 schema/
Data Definition Language
- 📁 model/
Install Java 8
Setup database
- Run the following commands in a terminal the project root directory:
cd src/main/java/in/eko/service/schema/ mysql source service_db_schema.sql
- Run the following commands in a terminal the project root directory:
Database properties (
- Change the database username and password
hibernate.connection.username=foo hibernate.connection.password=foo@123
- Change the database username and password