This authenticator is meant to be used with Scatter and Universal Authenticator Library. When used in combination with them, it gives developers the ability to request transaction signatures through Scatter using the common UAL API.
EOSIO Labs repositories are experimental. Developers in the community are encouraged to use EOSIO Labs repositories as the basis for code and concepts to incorporate into their applications. Community members are also welcome to contribute and further develop these repositories. Since these repositories are not supported by, we may not provide responses to issue reports, pull requests, updates to functionality, or other requests from the community, and we encourage the community to take responsibility for these.
- The Scatter Authenticator only supports Desktop Browser Environments
yarn add ual-scatter
You must use one of the UAL renderers below.
React - ual-reactjs-renderer
PlainJS - ual-plainjs-renderer
import { Scatter } from 'ual-scatter'
import { UALProvider, withUAL } from 'ual-reactjs-renderer'
const exampleNet = {
chainId: '',
rpcEndpoints: [{
protocol: '',
host: '',
port: '',
const App = (props) => <div>{JSON.stringify(props.ual)}</div>
const AppWithUAL = withUAL(App)
const scatter = new Scatter([exampleNet], { appName: 'Example App' })
<UALProvider chains={[exampleNet]} authenticators={[scatter]}>
<AppWithUAL />
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