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820 lines (682 loc) · 39.1 KB

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820 lines (682 loc) · 39.1 KB


  • Ferrum::Page#disable_javascript disables the JavaScript from the HTML source
  • Ferrum::Page#set_viewport emulates the viewport
  • Ferrum::Downloads
    • #files information about downloaded files
    • #wait wait for file download to be completed
    • #set_behavior where and whether to store file
  • Browser::Client#command accepts :async parameter [#433]
  • Ferrum::Browser introduce :flatten mode with one connection and sessions [#434]
  • Support for ping requests [#417]
  • Ferrum::Browser introduce :ws_url option to set external websocket for a browser [#435]


  • Ferrum::Page#screeshot accepts :area option [#410]
  • Resizing page on creation is gone and moved to Cuprite [#427]
  • Min Ruby version is 2.7
  • Refactored internal API of Ferrum::Browser, Ferrum::Page, Ferrum::Context, Ferrum::Contexts, Ferrum::Target instead of passing browser and making cyclic dependency on the browser instance, we pass now a thin client [#431]
  • Bump websocket-driver to ~> 0.7 [#432]
  • Got rid of Concurrent::Async in Ferrum::Browser::Subscriber [#432]
  • Ferrum::Page#set_window_bounds is renamed to Ferrum::Page#window_bounds=
  • Ferrum::Page get right client from the Target and passes it down everywhere [#433]
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest accepts Ferrum::Browser::Client instead of Ferrum::Page [#433]
  • Ferrum::Browser::Client -> Ferrum::Client [#433]


  • Exceptions within .on() were swallowed by a thread pool of Concurrent::Async [#432]
  • Ferrum::Context#add_target puts wrong target to pendings sometimes [#433]
  • Leaking connection descriptors in tests and after browser quit [#433]


0.14 - (Sep 14, 2023)


  • Ferrum::Page#device_pixel_ratio returns the ratio of the resolution in physical pixels to the resolution in CSS pixels for the current display device.
  • Ferrum::Network#cache(disable: true | false) whether or not to use cache for every request
  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange#redirect? determines if the exchange is a redirect
  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange#xhr? determines if the exchange is XHR
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#xhr? determines if the request is XHR
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#loaded? returns true if the response is fully loaded
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#redirect? returns true if the response is a redirect
  • Ferrum::Node#in_viewport? checks if the element in viewport (optional argument scope as Ferrum::Node)
  • Ferrum::Node#scroll_into_view - scrolls to element if needed (when it's not in the viewport)
  • Ferrum::Cookies#each - is now Enumerable and supports each method
  • Ferrum::Cookies::Cookie
    • #priority
    • #sameparty?
    • #source_scheme
    • #source_port
    • #to_s
    • #to_h
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#to_h
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#to_h



  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange#finished? returns true only fully loaded responses
  • Ferrum::Page#resize set deviceScaleFactor as 0 by default [#330]
  • Ferrum::Network#intercept silently discards unknown resource_types [#313]
  • Truncated Chrome WS URL results in Ferrum::DeadBrowserError [#327]
  • Websocket connection remains indefinitely in :connecting state and causes TimeoutError [#329]
  • Exchange#navigation_request? Handle nil request [#339]
  • Raise Ferrum::StatusError for any top frame navigation error [#341]
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#loaded? for redirect response [#338]


0.13 - (Nov 12, 2022)


  • Ferrum::Browser::VersionInfo
  • Ferrum::Browser
    • #version requests the browser's version information.
    • #create_page(proxy: { host: "x.x.x.x", port: "8800", user: "user", password: "pa$$" }) proxy option, supports creating a page in a new context that uses proxy settings.
  • Ferrum::Page#timeout = n page supports its own timeout
  • Ferrum::Frame#execution_id returns execution context id and doesn't raises error
  • Ferrum::Frame#execution_id! returns execution context id and raises error when times out on borrowing



  • Ferrum::Keyboard
    • #up, #down accept only one key.
  • Ferrum::Page#goto fixed undefined method url for nil:NilClass when page times out and there are pending requests.
  • Runtime.consoleAPICalled didn't show log messages
  • Ferrum::Page#subscribe_frame_detached added to clean up old frames
  • Ferrum::Proxy was hanging at the exit due to issue in Webrick
  • Ferrum::NoExecutionContextError is raised sometimes when we block on Ferrum::Page#frame_by


  • Ferrum::Browser#proxy_server
  • { server: true }) :server option.

0.12 - (Sep 13, 2022)


  • Alias Ferrum::Frame#content= to Ferrum::Frame#set_content
  • Alias Ferrum::Node#propery to Ferrum::Node#[]
  • Implement Ferrum::Network#blacklist= and Ferrum::Network#whitelist=
  • Alias Ferrum::Network#blocklist= to Ferrum::Network#blacklist=
  • Alias Ferrum::Network#allowlist= to Ferrum::Network#whitelist=
  • Alias Ferrum::Page#go to Ferrum::Page#go_to
  • Ferrum::Browser#create_page accepts now new_context: true which can create a page in incognito context, and yields a block with this page, after which the page is closed.
  • Ferrum::Browser supports new option :proxy
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#params attr_reader added
  • Ferrum::Node
    • #selected checks selected options. Returns an array of Ferrum::Node that's selected.
    • #select selects options by passed attribute, default: :value.
    • #computed_style returns hash of computed styles
  • Ferrum::JavaScriptError#stack_trace attr_reader
  • Windows support
  • Show warning and accept dialog if no handler given
  • Ferrum::Cookies#set ability to set cookie using Ferrum::Cookies::Cookie object
  • Ferrum::Network#emulate_network_conditions activates emulation of network conditions
  • Ferrum::Network#offline_mode puts browser into offline mode
  • Ferrum::Page#tracing - instance of Ferrum::Page::Tracing for trace capabilities.
  • Ferrum::Page::Tracing#record(&block) start/stop tracing for steps provided in passed block


  • Use Concurrent::MVar as execution_id in Ferrum::Frame
  • Min Ruby version is 2.6 and 3.0 is supported
  • Ferrum::Page#bypass_csp accepts hash as argument enabled: true by default
  • Ferrum::Context#has_target? -> Ferrum::Context#target?
  • We now start looking for Chrome first instead of Chromium, the order for checking binaries has changed
  • Multiple methods are moved into Utils:
    • Ferrum.with_attempts -> Ferrum::Utils::Attempt.with_retry
    • Ferrum.started -> Ferrum::Utils::ElapsedTime.start
    • Ferrum.elapsed_time -> Ferrum::Utils::ElapsedTime.elapsed_time
    • Ferrum.monotonic_time -> Ferrum::Utils::ElapsedTime.monotonic_time
    • Ferrum.timeout? -> Ferrum::Utils::ElapsedTime.timeout?
    • ->
    • Ferrum.mac? -> Ferrum::Utils::Platform.mac?
    • Ferrum.mri? -> Ferrum::Utils::Platform.mri?


  • Ferrum::Node#selected, Ferrum::Node#select to work in frame scope


0.11 - (Mar 11, 2021)


  • Ferrum::CoordinatesNotFoundError
  • Ferrum::Node
    • #wait_for_stop_moving wait for any js or css movements to finish
    • #moving? shows if node is moving
    • #focusable? if node can have focus
  • Ferrum::Page
    • #playback_rate shows the rate
    • #playback_rate= control css animation speed
    • position get window position
    • position= set window position
  • Ferrum::Browser#evaluate_on_new_document evaluate js on every new document
  • --no-startup-window flag to Chrome by default


  • Ferrum::NodeIsMovingError -> Ferrum::NodeMovingError
  • Ferrum::Node::MOVING_WAIT -> Ferrum::Node::MOVING_WAIT_DELAY
  • Concurrent::Hash -> Concurrent::Map in contexts


  • Typo Ferrum::Page::Screenshot::PAPEP_FORMATS -> Ferrum::Page::Screenshot::PAPER_FORMATS


0.10.2 - (Feb 24, 2021)




  • Set Ferrum::Page @event when setting up main frame


0.10.1 - (Feb 24, 2021)




  • Don't mutate options in Ferrum::Frame::Runtime#call


0.10 - (Feb 23, 2021)


  • Added alias go_to for goto
  • Introduce Ferrum::Browser option :pending_connection_errors
  • You can pass background to screenshot method browser.screenshot(background_color:, 0, 0, 0.0))
  • Ferrum::StatusError#pendings attr_reader added
  • Ferrum::ProcessTimeoutError#output attr_reader added
  • Ferrum::Page#mhtml


  • Ferrum::Browser::Process::PROCESS_TIMEOUT is 2 -> 10 by default
  • Ferrum::Browser::Network#authorize now accepts block
  • Ferrum::Page#pdf method now streams file with transferMode: "ReturnAsStream" mode good for large files


  • execution_id in Runtime is called with retry
  • Main frame is set correct under some circumstances
  • Network.loadingFailed event is added to catch canceled requests
  • detectCycle for cyclic JS objects
  • Fall back to JS when finding element position with get_content_quads
  • Temporary user-data-dir is removed after Ferrum::Browser::Process#stop


0.9 - (Jul 24, 2020)


  • Ferrum::NodeIsMovingError to raise error when node is moving before clicking
  • FERRUM_NODE_MOVING_WAIT and FERRUM_NODE_MOVING_ATTEMPTS envs are added to wait until node stops moving with at least n attempts
  • Ferrum::Page#wait_for_reload waits until page is reloaded
  • :ignore_default_browser_options option is added to Ferrum::Browser to exclude Ferrum's defaults
  • XVFB support
  • Ferrum::Runtime::CyclicObject is returned when JS object cannot be represented in Ruby
  • FERRUM_LOGGING_SCREENSHOTS env is added to skip showing Base64 screenshots in logger



  • Ferrum::Network::Request#respond can accept content longer than 45 chars
  • Ferrum::Browser::Subscriber is thread safe


0.8 - (Apr 7, 2020)


  • Ferrum::Frame supports looking up nodes inside frame with methods:
    • #at_css
    • #css
    • #at_xpath
    • #xpath
  • Ferrum::Page#set_content can be used to set the content of the page
  • :ws_max_receive_size option is added to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::ProcessTimeoutError error instead of RuntimeError
  • Ferrum::Page#stop to stop loading page


  • Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings
  • Ferrum::Node#click accepts offset: { :x, :y, :position (:top | :center) and :delay options
  • Instantiate empty main frame in advance
  • Ferrum::Mouse#move supports steps as option :steps
  • Delegatecurrent_title to page
  • Ferrum::Browser::Cookies#set supports :httponly and :samesite options


  • Ferrum::Frame#execution_id should be set only once
  • Ferrum::Page#doctype can be nil
  • Add :slowmoable option to all methods with visual representation
  • Ferrum::Page#screenshot works for html tag set with 100% width and height


  • .ruby-version file from repository

0.7 - (Jan 28, 2020)


  • Fix issue when connection is refused and shows up as pending
  • Can set Accept-Language even if User-Agent is not provided


  • FERRUM_GOTO_WAIT env is added with default value of 0.1
  • Ferrum::Network::Response#type shows type of the response
  • Ferrum::Network
    • #wait_for_idle wait for network idle
    • idle? shows if there are no connections
    • total_connections shows total number of connections
    • finished_connections shows a number of closed connections
    • pending_connections shows a number of opened connections
  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange
    • #intercepted_request attr accessor for intercepted request if any
    • #blank? shows if request is absent
    • #finished? returns true if request blocked or response is given
    • #pending? shows if exchange is still waiting response
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest
    • #status? one of responded|continued|aborted
  • Initial support for Firefox
  • Dedicated queue for request interruptions
  • Ferrum::Browser
    • accepts :extensions option with :source key which can have js text to be executed when page is opened
    • #bypass_csp can now bypass csp headers when injecting scripts


  • Ferrum::StatusError#pendings now shows all pending connections when time is out
  • Ferrum::Browser::Process#path is delegated to Command



  • Stop listening to Page.domContentEventFired, Page.frameScheduledNavigation and Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation events

0.6.2 - (Oct 30, 2019)


  • Ferrum::Target:
    • #page= attribute writer
    • #maybe_sleep_if_new_window - sleep with Ferrum::Target::NEW_WINDOW_WAIT seconds by Ferrum::Target#window? condition




0.6.1 - (Oct 30, 2019)


  • Ferrum::Frame#execution_id? - boolean of equals passed argument execution_id and current execution_id from current class instance


  • Ferrum::Page::Frames - fix missing frame:
    • #frame_by - optional argument execution_id removed with change subscriber to search by Ferrum::Frame#execution_id?



0.6.0 - (Oct 29, 2019)


  • description of browser.add_script_tag/browser.add_style_tag in README
  • Ferrum::Target#attached? - boolean of the check the exists of Ferrum::Target#page
  • Ferrum::Page::Screenshot::DEFAULT_PDF_OPTIONS - pdf settings constant
  • Ferrum::Page::Screenshot::PAPER_FORMATS - available formats constant
  • Ferrum::Page::Frames module implementation:
    • #main_frame - attribute reader as new instance of Ferrum::Frame created by Runtime.executionContextCreated.context.auxData.frameId
    • #frames - results of delegated #values method into instance variable frames
    • #frame_by - searching method by attributes: id, execution_id, name (optional)
    • #frames_subscribe - apply listeners of 'Page/Network/Runtime' streams of the frame-related events
  • Ferrum::Browser#add_script_tag - delegation to Ferrum::Page#add_script_tag
  • Ferrum::Browser#add_style_tag - delegation to Ferrum::Page#add_style_tag
  • Ferrum::Network::AuthRequest class implementation:
    • initializer accepts two arguments:
    • page as first - instance of Ferrum::Page
    • params as second - params from on subscriber "Fetch.authRequired"
    • #navigation_request? - delegation to isNavigationRequest of passed to instance params
    • #auth_challenge? - strict equal of source as argument with delegation to authChallenge.source of passed to instance params
    • #match? - boolean match of regexp as argument with #url
    • #continue - fires the command Fetch.continueWithAuth on Ferrum::Page instance with passed options as argument
    • #abort - fires the command Fetch.failRequest on Ferrum::Page instance with errorReason: "BlockedByClient" on current requestId
    • #url - delegation to request.url of passed to instance params
    • #method - delegation to request.method of passed to instance params
    • #headers - delegation to request.headers of passed to instance params
    • #initial_priority - delegation to request.initialPriority of passed to instance params
    • #referrer_policy - delegation to request.referrerPolicy of passed to instance params
    • #inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state


  • Ferrum::Page::Screenshot#screenshot - handle :full option
  • Ferrum::Page::Frame into Ferrum::Frame:
    • initializer accepts three arguments:
    • id as first - value of Page.frameAttached.frameId
    • page as second - instance of Ferrum::Page
    • parent_id as third - with nil as default value
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#name/Ferrum::Page::Frame#name= - class attribute accessor
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#state= - attribute writer for state instance variable, can be started_loading | navigated | scheduled_navigation | cleared_scheduled_navigation | stopped_loading
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#main? - boolean of the check the not existed parent_id instance variable
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#execution_context_id converted into Ferrum::Frame#execution_id with use execution_id instance variable
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#frame_url into Ferrum::Frame#url - 'document.location.href' reference
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#frame_title into Ferrum::Frame#title - 'document.title' reference
    • Ferrum::Page::Frame#inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state
  • Ferrum::Page::DOM into Ferrum::Frame::DOM:
    • Ferrum::Page::DOM#title renamed into Ferrum::Frame::DOM#current_title
    • Ferrum::Frame::DOM#doctype - serialized 'document.doctype' reference
    • Ferrum::Frame::DOM#css/Ferrum::Frame::DOM#at_css - added @page references for command related methods
  • Ferrum::Page::Runtime into Ferrum::Frame::Runtime:
    • Ferrum::Frame::DOM#evaluate_on - added @page references for command related methods
    • Ferrum::Frame::SCRIPT_SRC_TAG - js implementation for: createElement <script>, fil in src with appendChild into document.head
    • Ferrum::Frame::SCRIPT_TEXT_TAG - js implementation for: createElement <script>, fil in text with appendChild into document.head
    • Ferrum::Frame::STYLE_TAG - js implementation for: createElement <style> with appendChild into document.head
    • Ferrum::Frame::LINK_TAG - js implementation for: createElement , fil in href with appendChild into document.head
    • Ferrum::Frame::Runtime#add_script_tag - fires evaluate_async with passed args: url, path, content, type: "text/javascript"
    • Ferrum::Frame::Runtime#add_style_tag - fires evaluate_async with passed args: url, path, content
  • Ferrum::Network - switch from deprecated Network.continueInterceptedRequest to Fetch.continueRequest
  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange:
    • first argument page for initialize with fill page instance variable
    • #build_response - fix arguments for
    • #inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest:
    • #interception_id into #request_id as requestId reference on passed params
    • #respond - the custom request fulfilment support implementation by fires the command Fetch.failRequest on Ferrum::Page instance with passed options as argument
  • Ferrum::Network::Response:
    • first argument page for initialize with fill page instance variable
    • #body - implementation of ability to get response body by fires the command Network.getResponseBody on Ferrum::Page instance with on specific requestId
    • #main? - boolean of equals and current class instance
    • #== - boolean of equals passed argument and current requestId from params instance variable
    • #inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state
  • Ferrum::Node:
    • replaced first argument page into frame / page instance variable initialized as
    • #frame_id - delegation to frameId of passed to instance description
    • #frame - instance of frame from page instance found by #frame_id
  • Ferrum::Page::Event - add frames implementation:
    • event/document_id attribute readers
    • #subscribe listeners replaced with #frames_subscribe from included Ferrum::Page::Frames instance
    • #resize - evaluate JS: document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.documentElement.scrollHeight for fullscreen case



  • Ferrum::Page
    • #frame_name
    • #frame_url, with delegated Ferrum::Browser#frame_url
    • #frame_title, with delegated Ferrum::Browser#frame_title
    • #within_frame, with delegated Ferrum::Browser#within_frame
  • Ferrum::Page::Event:
    • include DOM, Runtime, Frame
    • waiting_frames instance variable
    • frame_stack instance variable

0.5.0 - (Sep 27, 2019)


  • description of Thread safety approach section in README
  • Ferrum::NoSuchTargetError
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#url_fragment - delegation to urlFragment of instance request
  • The removing of temporary directory on Ferrum::Browser::Process#stop: Ferrum::Browser::Process.directory_remover proc for remove entry with the passed path to the temporary directory as an argument
  • Ferrum::Page#viewport_size - evaluates JS: innerWidth and innerHeight values on window object
  • Ferrum::Page#document_size - evaluates JS: offsetWidth and offsetHeight values on document.documentElement object
  • Ferrum::Browser#viewport_size - delegation to Ferrum::Page#viewport_size
  • Ferrum::Context class implementation:
    • initializer accepts three arguments:
    • browser as first - instance of Ferrum::Browser
    • contexts as second - instance of Ferrum::Contexts
    • id as third - the value of browser command: Target.createBrowserContext.browserContextId
    • includes id attribute reader - the passed argument: id
    • includes targets attribute reader - the thread safe instance of hash
    • includes pendings attribute reader - the thread safe instance of mutable variable
    • includes POSITION constant - the freeze array of first last symbols
    • #default_target - memoization of #create_target result
    • #create_target - assigns as fetch of targetId from Target.createTarget with assign target from targetInfo
    • #page - delegation to default_target of Ferrum::Context
    • #pages - delegations to page's taken from Ferrum::Context#targets as values
    • #windows - delegations to page's taken from Ferrum::Context#targets as values with window? truthy condition takes position as first argument and optional second argument size with 1 as default value may raise ArgumentError on the passed position which not included into Ferrum::Context::POSITION constant values
    • #create_page - delegation to target with the target recreation by Ferrum::Context#create_target
    • #add_target - creates new instance of Ferrum::Target with fill by Ferrum::Target.window? condition of: targets instance variable on id or pendings instance variable as replace of @value
    • #update_target - updates specific target in targets instance variable by target_id and params which are passed as arguments
    • #delete_target - deletes from targets instance variable by passed target_id as argument
    • #dispose - disposes from contexts instance variable by passed id as attribute reader
    • #inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state
  • Ferrum::Target class implementation:
    • initializer accepts two arguments:
    • browser as first - instance of Ferrum::Browser
    • params as second (optional) - instance of Ferrum::Contexts
    • #update - attribute writer for params instance variable by passed params as one argument
    • #page - new instance of Ferrum::Page created for specific targetId
    • #window? - boolean of the check the exists of Ferrum::Target#opener_id
    • #id - delegation to targetId of passed to instance params
    • #type - delegation to type of passed to instance params
    • #title - delegation to title of passed to instance params
    • #url - delegation to url of passed to instance params
    • #opener_id - delegation to openerId of passed to instance params
    • #context_id - delegation to browserContextId of passed to instance params
  • Ferrum::Contexts class implementation: (subscriber on Target.targetCreated)
    • initializer accepts browser as the one argument
    • includes contexts attribute reader - the thread safe instance of hash
    • #default_context - memoization of #create result
    • #find_by - finding the last match in contexts instance variable by match of passed target_id into targets.keys required target_id: value argument returns nil on the not-matched case
    • #create - assigns new instance of Ferrum::Context with fetched browserContextId from Target.createBrowserContext into contexts instance variable returns the created instance of Ferrum::Context
    • #dispose - removes specific context from contexts instance variable by passed context_id with fires Target.disposeBrowserContext browser command returns true boolean on the success dispose
    • #reset - nullify the default_context instance variable and fires the dispose method on each context in contexts instance variable
  • Ferrum::Browser#contexts - reader of Ferrum::Contexts instance:
  • Ferrum::Browser#default_context - delegation to Ferrum::Browser#contexts
  • the delegation to Ferrum::Browser#default_context:
    • Ferrum::Browser#create_target
    • Ferrum::Browser#create_page
    • Ferrum::Browser#pages
    • Ferrum::Browser#windows


  • Ferrum::NoSuchWindowError into NoSuchPageError
  • Ferrum::Page::NEW_WINDOW_WAIT moved as unchanged to Ferrum::Target
  • Ferrum::Browser#page - the delegation from Ferrum::Browser#targets to Ferrum::Browser#default_context
  • Ferrum::Browser#page - from the instance of Ferrum::Browser#targets into delegation to Ferrum::Browser#default_context



  • Ferrum::EmptyTargetsError the hack to handle new window which doesn't have events at all by Ferrum::Page#session_id with Target.attachToTarget and Target.detachFromTarget usage
  • Ferrum::Page#close_connection - the logic is moved to Ferrum::Page#close directly
  • the third argument (new_window = false) for Ferrum::Page initializer
  • Ferrum::Targets class with the delegations to Ferrum::Targets instance in Ferrum::Browser instance:
    • Ferrum::Browser#window_handle
    • Ferrum::Browser#window_handles
    • Ferrum::Browser#switch_to_window
    • Ferrum::Browser#open_new_window
    • Ferrum::Browser#close_window
    • Ferrum::Browser#within_window

0.4.0 - (Sep 17, 2019)


  • Ferrum::Network module - moved logic from Ferrum::Page::Net with addition changes
  • Ferrum::Browser#network - instance of Ferrum::Network from delegated Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Network#request & Ferrum::Network#response - delegation to Network::Exchange instance
  • Ferrum::Network#first_by / Ferrum::Network#last_by - implemented searching by passed request_id in Network::Exchange instance
  • Ferrum::Browser#traffic delegation to Ferrum::Network of Network::Exchange instances
  • Ferrum::Network::Exchange - simple request/response constructor with monitoring
    • #build_request - instance of Network::Request with passed params
    • #build_response - instance of Network::Response with passed params
    • #build_error - instance of Network::Error with passed params
    • #navigation_request? - the request verification on document by passed frame_id
    • #blocked? - boolean which becomes true when no the constructed response
    • #to_a - returns array of constructed request/response/error instances
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#type - delegation to type of passed to instance params
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#type? - boolean compare with type of instance with passed type as argument
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#frame_id - delegation to frameId of passed to instance params
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest#abort - fires continue method of instance with errorReason as Aborted
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest#inspect - simple implementation of native inspect method with returns of the current internal state
  • Ferrum::Page::Frame#frame_id - reader to public available of frameId by Ferrum::Page#frame_id


  • description of Network/Authorization/Interception sections in README
  • Ferrum::Browser#screenshot & Ferrum::Browser#pdf methods are returns bin when no path is given
  • Ferrum::Browser#status delegated to Ferrum::Network
  • Ferrum::Browser#authorize delegated to Ferrum::Network
  • Ferrum::Network module into class approach for InterceptedRequest/Request/Response/Error classes
  • Ferrum::Browser#intercept_request into Ferrum::Network#intercept
  • Ferrum::Browser#subscribe into Ferrum::Network#subscribe with public available
  • Ferrum::Browser#authorized_response into Ferrum::Network#authorized_response with public available
  • Ferrum::Browser#clear_memory_cache & Ferrum::Browser#clear_network_traffic merged to Ferrum::Network#clear with addition of traffic clear by the argument as symbol type of traffic/cache
  • Ferrum::Network::Request#time - use wallTime params fir time detection
  • body_size attribute writer of Ferrum::Network::Response with reduce of size on headers_size to handle encodedDataLength when Network.responseReceived is not dispatched



  • Ferrum::Network::Response#redirect_url
  • Ferrum::Page::Net
  • Ferrum::Browser#abort_request
  • Ferrum::Browser#continue_request
  • Ferrum::Browser#response_headers
  • Ferrum::Browser#network_traffic
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest#is_navigation_request= (attribute writer)

0.3.0 - (Sep 12, 2019)


  • CI build by TravisCI for ruby versions: 2.3/2.4/2.5/2.6/jruby-
  • fix specs with support of MacOS time formats
  • Ferrum::Mouse::CLICK_WAIT as FERRUM_CLICK_WAIT ENV-var with 0.1 as default value
  • Ferrum::Browser#authorize option :type with valid values :server (by default), :proxy
  • Logo 🎉
  • Ferrum::Node#inner_text - evaluates JS: this.innerText on Node instance
  • Ferrum::Page::Runtime::INTERMITTENT_ATTEMPTS as FERRUM_INTERMITTENT_ATTEMPTS ENV-var with 6 as default value
  • Ferrum::Page::Runtime::INTERMITTENT_SLEEP as FERRUM_INTERMITTENT_SLEEP ENV-var with 0.1 as default value
  • Ferrum::Page#on getting the name as option with :dialog/:request_intercepted cases & block as last argument
  • Ferrum::Browser#on - delegated actions to Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Dialog object to handle JavaScript Dialog's
    • required page, params as init arguments
    • #accept fires JS: Page.handleJavaScriptDialog as command on provided Ferrum::Page instance with options which included accept: true
    • #dismiss fires JS: Page.handleJavaScriptDialog as command on provided Ferrum::Page instance with accept: false
    • #match? compare message by passed regexp
    • description of Dialog feature in README
  • Ferrum::Page::Event extend of Concurrent::Event with implementation of reset/wait fix
    • implement Ferrum::Page::Event#iteration to reuse synchronize block on @iteration value of Concurrent::Event
    • redefinition of Concurrent::Event#reset - increase @iteration outside of if @set block
  • FERRUM_PROCESS_TIMEOUT ENV-var as Ferrum::Browser::Process::PROCESS_TIMEOUT with 2 as default value
  • Elapsed time implementation:
    • Ferrum::Browser::Process::WAIT_KILLED with 0.05
    • Ferrum.monotonic_time - delegation to Concurrent object
    • Ferrum.started - class variable @@started as monotonic_time
    • Ferrum.elapsed_time - a difference of monotonic_time as minuend and passed time as argument or @@started as subtrahend
    • Ferrum.timeout? - boolean compare passed values (start, timeout) by elapsed_time
  • JRuby support by replaces of ::Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC usages according to Elapsed-time implementation


  • fix globally changing of Thread behaviour on options abort_on_exception/report_on_exception
  • Ferrum::Page::Input#find_position into Ferrum::Node#find_position
  • Ferrum::Browser#scroll_to into Ferrum::Mouse#scroll_to
  • option :timeout into :wait for Ferrum::Page#command / Ferrum::Mouse#click
  • description of Authorization options in README
  • Ferrum::Page::Net#intercept_request block as last argument into Ferrum::Page::Net#on(:request_intercepted) with passed block
  • Ferrum::Browser::TIMEOUT into Ferrum::Browser::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT as FERRUM_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ENV-var with 5 as default value
  • usage of Concurrent::Event into Ferrum::Page::Event as @event of Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Page::NEW_WINDOW_BUG_SLEEP into Ferrum::Page::NEW_WINDOW_WAIT as FERRUM_NEW_WINDOW_WAIT ENV-var with 0.3 as default value



  • Ferrum::Page::Input
  • Ferrum::Browser#proxy_authorize / Ferrum::Page::Net#proxy_authorize
  • Ferrum::ModalNotFoundError
  • Ferrum::Page#reset_modals with delegation to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::Page#find_modal with delegation to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::Page#accept_prompt with delegation to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::Page#dismiss_confirm with delegation to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::Page#accept_confirm with delegation to Ferrum::Browser
  • Ferrum::Browser#on_request_intercepted

0.2.1 - (Sep 5, 2019)


  • handle EOFError/Errno::ECONNRESET/Errno::EPIPE errors with rescue
  • description options of Customization in README


  • increased Browser::Process::PROCESS_TIMEOUT constant by 1
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest#match? to handle cases for Ruby 2.3 and less



0.2.0 - (Sep 3, 2019)


  • snippet examples of the actions in README
  • Ferrum::Node#focus - fires the command DOM.focus on Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Node#blur - evaluates JS: this.blur() on Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Node#click - fires the native click on Ferrum::Page instance
  • usage of FERRUM_INTERMITTENT_ATTEMPTS ENV-var on the rescue of runtime intermittent error
  • implementation's of Ferrum::Page::DOM#xpath & Ferrum::Page::DOM#at_xpath
  • Ferrum.with_attempts - retry attempt with the sleep on the block passed as an argument
  • Ferrum::NoExecutionContextError - raises when there's no context available
  • Ferrum::Node#attribute - evaluates JS: this.getAttribute with passed name
  • Ferrum::Mouse - dedicated class of mouse actions: click/down/up/move
  • Ferrum::Browser#mouse - delegated actions to Ferrum::Mouse instance extracted from Ferrum::Page::Input
  • Ferrum::Page::Input#find_position - usage of DOM.getContentQuads to find position of node by top/left
  • Ferrum::Keyboard - dedicated class of keyboard actions: down/up/type/modifiers
  • Ferrum::Browser#keyboard - delegated actions to Ferrum::Keyboard instance extracted from Ferrum::Page::Input
  • Ferrum::Headers dedicated class of headers manager with get/set/clear/add actions which delegated to Ferrum::Page instance
  • Ferrum::Cookies dedicated class which includes logic from Ferrum::Browser::API::Cookie & Ferrum::Cookie with actions: all/[]/set/remove/clear
  • Ferrum::Page#cookies - delegated actions to Ferrum::Cookies instance
  • Ferrum::Page::Screenshot module with methods screenshot/pdf implemented by commands Page.captureScreenshot/Page.printToPDF
  • Ferrum::Browser#screenshot - delegated actions to Page::Screenshot module
  • Ferrum::Network::InterceptedRequest
    • auth_challenge?
    • match?
    • abort
    • continue
    • url
    • method
    • headers
    • initial_priority
    • referrer_policy
  • Ferrum::Browser#intercept_request - method with delegated to Ferrum::Page::Net which sets pattern into Network.setRequestInterception
  • Ferrum::Browser#on_request_intercepted - method with delegated to Ferrum::Page::Net which applies passed block
  • Ferrum::Browser#abort_request - method with delegated to Ferrum::Page::Net which stops request by passed interception_id


  • Ferrum::Page::Input#send_keys into Ferrum::Page::Input#type
  • Ferrum::DeadBrowser into Ferrum::DeadBrowserError
  • Ferrum::ModalNotFound into Ferrum::ModalNotFoundError
  • Ferrum::StatusFailError into Ferrum::StatusError
  • Ferrum::NodeError into Ferrum::NodeNotFoundError
  • Ferrum::Page#go_back into Ferrum::Page#back
  • Ferrum::Page#go_forward into Ferrum::Page#forward
  • Ferrum::Page::Dom#property into Ferrum::Page#property
  • Ferrum::Page::Dom#select_file into Ferrum::Page#select_file
  • Ferrum::Node::#click getting the mode argument as option with right/double/left cases
  • Ferrum::Page::Frame#switch_to_frame into Ferrum::Page::Frame#within_frame with added case of ArgumentError



  • Ferrum::ObsoleteNode error
  • Ferrum::FrameNotFound error
  • Ferrum::Page::Input#set
    • #set
    • #select
    • #type
    • #generate_modifiers
  • Ferrum::Node
    • #attributes
    • #[]
    • #select_option
    • #unselect_option
    • #visible?
    • #checked?
    • #selected?
    • #disabled?
    • #path
    • #right_click
    • #double_click
  • Ferrum::Browser::API - Header, Cookie, Screenshot, Intercept
  • Ferrum::Browser
    • #set_overrides
    • #url_whitelist
    • #url_blacklist

0.1.2 - (Aug 27, 2019)


  • catch of the intermittent errors inside of evaluate's methods
  • Ferrum::Page::Runtime#evaluate_on - fires Runtime.callFunctionOn command with functionDeclaration on Ferrum::Page




  • Ferrum::Page::Runtime#evaluate_in

0.1.1 - (Aug 26, 2019)


  • stringify the url which passed to Ferrum::Page#goto




0.1.0 - (Aug 26, 2019)


  • fires the Ferrum::NodeError on zero of node_id


  • basic description in README



0.1.0.alpha - (Aug 2, 2019)


  • Initial implementation
    • Ferrum
    • Ferrum::Network - simple requests/responses data store
    • Ferrum::Browser - basic command interface
    • Ferrum::Cookie - simple store of the cookie attributes
    • Ferrum::Node - abstract level of DOM-node with basic methods
    • Ferrum::Page - basic object of the command references, which included DOM, network and browser logic
    • Ferrum::Targets - initialize of the window manager with a clean browser state
    • classes of errors with a description of specific reason


