RGB Color Guessing Game is a fun game that will help you improve your knowledge of RGB colors.
Based on the exercise part of the Udemy course "The Web Developer Bootcamp" by Colt Steele.
- CSS3
- javaScript
- Objective: Match RGB numbers with the correct colored square displayed below by clicking or pressing on it
- Correct answer: you will see a 'correct' message and all the squares and main banner will change their current color to match the correct one
- Incorrect answer: the clicked square will dissapear and a 'Try again' message will display. Click your next guess until you get the correct one
- Play again: If you want to play again just click on the 'Play Again' button and a new game will start. Also you can click any time on 'Easy', 'Hard', 'New Colors' to display a new asortment of colors and RGB numbers or just refresh the page
- You can play as many times as you want, scores will not be saved
- Easy mode is available, it will only display 3 possible options to choose from