The latest stable version is always in the master branch (which always points at the latest version tag).
The latest development version is in the develop branch.
Use the develop branch if you want to contribute or test features.
Please do also send pull requests to the develop
I will not merge pull requests to the master
Make sure that changes pass all tests.
Opentip is written in Coffeescript and Stylus so do not make changes to the Javascript or CSS files
I will not merge requests written in Javascript or CSS.
You need node to compile and test Opentip. So install node first if you haven't done so already.
First you have to setup the node modules to build Opentip. Simply run this in the Opentip directory:
$ npm install
This will setup Coffeescript, Stylus and a few other dependencies to build and bundle the library.
To compile (build) and bundle the library use cake
Just type the command without any arguments $ cake
in the source directory to
list all commands available. It will look something like this:
cake docs # generate documentation
cake build # compile source
cake watch # compile and watch
cake css # compile stylus
cake watchcss # compile and watch stylus
To compile all source files:
$ cd path/to/opentip-source
$ cake build
I prefer pull requests that only changed
files, since I only checkin the.css
files before a release. But I accept pull requests that contain the compiled files as well.
Go into the test/
directory and install all dependencies. (You only have
to do this the first time):
$ cd test/
$ npm install
And you're ready to launch the server:
$ ./server.js
Now simply visit http://localhost:3000
in your browser to see the tests.
It should look like this:
All tests are located in assets/js/tests/
and are written in coffeescript but
compiled on the fly.
The webserver also automatically compiles any opentip changes (as well as the adapter changes), so don't worry about compiling coffeescript. When the time comes to deploy everything, I'll take care of properly bundling all Javascript files.
If you add a change, please make sure that all tests pass!