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Nasa Images

Hubble Spies Glittering Star Cluster in Nearby Galaxy

This glittering ball of stars is the globular cluster NGC 1898, which lies toward the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Picture

The Penguin and the Egg

This image of distant interacting galaxies, known collectively as Arp 142, bears an uncanny resemblance to a penguin guarding an egg. Picture

Nebula IRAS 05437+2502

The little-known nebula IRAS 05437+2502 billows out among the bright stars and dark dust clouds that surround it. Picture

Nebula NGC 3918

A Piercing Celestial Eye Stares Back at Hubble. Picture

Burst of Celestial Fireworks

A glittering collection of stars resembles an aerial burst. The cluster is surrounded by clouds of interstellar gas and dust - the raw material for new star formation. Picture

Hubble’s Cartwheel

This is an image of the Cartwheel Galaxy taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Picture

Chandra Samples Galactic Goulash

Arp 299 is a system located about 140 million light years from Earth. It contains two galaxies that are merging, creating a partially blended mix of stars from each galaxy. Picture

Galaxy NGC 1569

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image reveals the iridescent interior of one of the most active galaxies in our local neighborhood: NGC 1569 is currently a hotbed of vigorous star formation. Picture

Red Spider Nebula

Huge waves are sculpted in this two-lobed nebula called the Red Spider Nebula, located some 3,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius. Picture

Hubble Spots Auroras on Uranus

This is a composite image of Uranus by Voyager 2 and two different observations made by Hubble — one for the ring and one for the auroras. Picture

Star Death in “Rotten Egg” Nebula

The Calabash Nebula, pictured here is a spectacular example of the death of a low-mass star like the sun. Picture

Hubble View: Smoke Ring for a Halo

Two stars shine through the center of a ring of cascading dust in star system is named DI Cha. Picture

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter

This is a composite photo, assembled from separate images of Jupiter and comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, as imaged by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in 1994. Picture

Horsehead Nebula

Astronomers have used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the iconic Horsehead Nebula in a new, infrared light to mark the 23rd anniversary of the famous observatory's launch aboard the space shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990. Picture

V838 Mon

Light Echoes from V838 Mon, what caused this outburst of V838 Mon? For reasons unknown, star V838 Mon's outer surface suddenly greatly expanded with the result that it became the brightest star in the entire Milky Way Galaxy in January 2002. Then, just as suddenly, it faded. A stellar flash like this had never been seen before. Picture

Antennae Galaxies

NASA Hubble Sees Sparring Antennae Galaxies. Picture

The Butterfly Nebula

The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth's night sky are often named for flowers or insects. Though its wingspan covers over 3 light-years, NGC 6302 is no exception. With an estimated surface temperature of about 250,000 degrees C, the dying central star of this particular planetary nebula has become exceptionally hot. Picture

Spiral galaxy NGC 7331

This image from the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a spiral galaxy known as NGC 7331 located in the constellation Pegasus. Picture

The Eagle Nebula

Appearing like a winged fairy-tale creature poised on a pedestal, this object is actually a billowing tower of cold gas and dust rising in the Eagle Nebula. The soaring pillar is 9.5 light-years, or about 57 trillion miles, high, about twice the distance from our Sun to the nearest star. Picture

Stingray Nebula

The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the Stingray Nebula, the youngest known planetary nebula. In this image, the bright central star is in the middle of the green ring of gas. Its companion star is diagonally above it at 10 o'clock. Picture

Cat's Eye Nebula

Three thousand light-years away, the Cat's Eye Nebula, a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas. This image from the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the nebula to be one of the most complex planetary nebulae known. Picture

The Egg Nebula

Where is the center of the Egg Nebula? Like a baby chick pecking its way out of an egg, the star in the center of the Egg Nebula is casting away shells of gas and dust as it slowly transforms itself into a white dwarf star. Picture

Boomerang Nebula

The Hubble Space Telescope has "caught" the Boomerang Nebula in these new images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. This reflecting cloud of dust and gas has two nearly symmetric lobes (or cones) of matter that are being ejected from a central star. Picture


Bright, frosty polar caps, and clouds above a vivid, rust-colored landscape reveal Mars as a dynamic seasonal planet in this NASA Hubble Space Telescope view taken on May 12, 2016. Picture

Distant Quasar RX J1131

A very bright object in space that is similar to a star and very far away from Earth. A quasar gives off powerful radio waves. Picture

Einstein Ring

These graceful arcs are a cosmic phenomenon known as an Einstein ring - created as the light from distant galaxies warps around an extremely large mass, like a galaxy cluster. Picture

Stormy Seas in Sagittarius

This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the center of the Lagoon Nebula, an object with a deceptively tranquil name, in the constellation of Sagittarius. The region is filled with intense winds from hot stars, churning funnels of gas, and energetic star formation, all embedded within an intricate haze of gas and pitch-dark dust. Picture

Cumulus of smiling galaxies

In the center of this image, taken with the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster SDSS J1038 + 4849 - and it seems to be smiling. Picture

Hubble's Little Sombrero

NGC 7814 is also known as the “Little Sombrero.” It and its apparently-larger namesake, the Sombrero, are stunning edge-on galaxies. Picture

'El gordo' Galaxy

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has weighed the largest known galaxy cluster in the distant universe, catalogued as ACT-CL J0102-4915, and found it definitely lives up to its nickname -- El Gordo. Picture

Crab Nebula

Esta imagen muestra una vista compuesta de la nebulosa Cangrejo, un remanente de supernova icónica en nuestra galaxia Vía Láctea, tal como lo ve el Observatorio Espacial Herschel y el Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Picture

Eskimo Nebula

This stellar relic, first spied by William Herschel in 1787, is nicknamed the Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392) because, when viewed through ground-based telescopes, it resembles a face surrounded by a fur parka. Picture

Hubble's Blue Bubble

The distinctive blue bubble appearing to encircle WR 31a is a Wolf–Rayet nebula — an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Created when speedy stellar winds interact with the outer layers of hydrogen ejected by Wolf–Rayet stars, these nebulae are frequently ring-shaped or spherical. Picture

Cosmic Pearls

Two decades ago, astronomers spotted one of the brightest exploding stars in more than 400 years. Since that first sighting, the doomed star, called Supernova 1987A, has continued to fascinate astronomers with its spectacular light show. Picture