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Consume local copy of luminous repo

Kyriakos Kentzoglanakis edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 1 revision

If there's a local copy of the luminous repo then it can be consumed in the client application instead of the hex or git reference in mix.exs.

The instructions below assume that both luminous and the client application are siblings in the same directory.

The following changes need to be made in the clien application:

In mix.exs:

  defp deps do 
    {:luminous, path: "../luminous"},

In assets/js/app.js:

import { ChartJSHook, TimeRangeHook, TableHook } from "../../../luminous"

In assets/css/app.css:

@import "../../../luminous/dist/luminous.css";

The client app should now be consuming the local copy of luminous.

Changes in luminous' js or css need to be built using mix before it can be picked up by the client app.

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