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Custom cross reference module

Oliver Tseng edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

UBA has two built-in cross reference databases: ScrollMapper and TSK.

In addition to these, you can create your own cross reference module.

Create a database file in marvelData/xref with the tables:

CREATE TABLE "CrossReference" (Book INT, Chapter INT, Verse INT, Information TEXT);
CREATE TABLE "Details" ("Title"	NVARCHAR(100), "Information" TEXT);

Information column contains the cross reference information. For example, "Gen 2:9; Gen 3:22-24; Prov 11:30; Prov 13:12; Ezek 31:8"

When you display cross references either through the menu or command, it will display the cross references from the built-on ScrollMapper database and all the custom xref databases.

There are currently not a lot of third party cross reference databases, but one you can import is FruchtenbaumOTRev.xrefs.twm.

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