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Customise Interface Colours

Oliver Tseng edited this page Aug 23, 2022 · 17 revisions


Select a theme to set an overall colour tone. Read about themes at:

Further Colour Customisation

Further Colour Customisation is possible, in addition to theme selection.

Colour appearance of Material menu layout icons are controlled by the following configuration values.

widgetBackgroundColor - Widget background color in 'material' menu layout.

widgetForegroundColor - Widget foreground color in 'material' menu layout.

widgetBackgroundColorHover - Widget background color when a widget is hovered in 'material' menu layout.

widgetForegroundColorHover - Widget foreground color when a widget is hovered in 'material' menu layout.

widgetBackgroundColorPressed - Widget background color when a widget is pressed in 'material' menu layout.

widgetForegroundColorPressed - Widget foreground color when a widget is pressed in 'material' menu layout.

maskMaterialIconBackground - config.maskMaterialIconColor applies to either background or foreground of material icons. Set it to True to apply the mask to background. Set it to False to apply the mask to foreground.

maskMaterialIconBackground - Use this color for masking material icons.

lightThemeTextColor / darkThemeTextColor - Text colour displayed on dark / light theme.

lightThemeActiveVerseColor / darkThemeActiveVerseColor - Active verse colour displayed on dark / light theme.

textSelectionColour - Colour for text selection

Customise Colour with GUI Dialog

  1. To open the GUI dialog for colour customisation, open from menu: UniqueBible > Appearance > Customise Colour
Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 10 19 17
  1. Click on button on the left column to start editing individual values.
  1. With Colour Picker dialog, you can either manually enter a value or use a mouse click to select a colour or pick a screen colour.
Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 13 55 04

You may check colour codes at if you want do manual entries.

Save a Copy of Your Own Choices

With "Export" and "Import" buttons, you can save a copy or different copies of your own colour choices and load it as you want.


For demonstration purpose, we provide two colour customisation sample files, "sample.color" and "sample2.color". You can find them in UBA home directory, UniqueBible/.

Click "Load my settings" and select "sample.color" or "sample2.color", and you will see the changes as below:

Load "sample.color" to get the following result:

Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 10 03 52

Load "sample2.color" to get the following result:


Go Back to Default Colours

If anything goes wrong, you can always go back to the default colours by clicking the "Default" button, as indicated below:



Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 14 21 14 Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 14 19 52 Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 14 18 39

Manual Modification

You can also edit the configuration values manually.

Customization is loaded either in file or custom configurations in /plugin/config directory.

  1. Exit UBA first, and make sure UBA is not running when you edit configuration values.

  2. Use a text editor to edit values in files in the directory /plugins/config. If color customization files do not exist in /plugins/config, then edit the file.

materialIconMaskColor = 'red'
maskBackground = False
pushButtonBackgroundColor = 'black'
pushButtonForegroundColor = 'red'

  1. Start UBA and you should see the values above give you the following result.
Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 21 41 24
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