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Translate program interface

Eliran Wong edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Translate Program Interface into Your Languages

From version 9.5 onwards, supports translation of program interface into a language of your own choice. We use intergrated Google Translate. Therefore, we supports translation of interface into 104 languages as Google Translate supports.

Install 'googletrans' First

To translate the program interface. You need to install a python package called 'googletrans'. Run in terminal:

pip3 install googletrans

Step 1 - Configure your Language

From menu bar, select "Configure my Language".

Select your favourite language from the dialog box.

Step 2 - Translate

From menu bar, select "Translate Program Interface my Language".

Step 3 - Restart

A dialog box comes up when the translation is finished. You then need a restart of the application to apply the changes.

Step 4 - Toogle between Default English and your Language

You can easlity toogle the translation between the default English one and your language.

[OPTIONAL] Customise / Improve Interface Translation

You can use a text editor to edit the values of dictionary "translation" located in file "", to improve or shape the translation as you like.

In the following example, we edited the value of "menu1_setChineseFont":

How to add new interface items available after translation feature is run?

Don't worry. New items, if available, will be automatically translated with Google Translation and added when the application starts. If Google Translation is not accessible on your device due to internet connection or other issues, default English translation are used for missing items.

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