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The primary objective of this project is to develop a machine learning pipeline capable of accurately classifying the genre of songs.

Table of contents

Preliminary steps

Clone repository

Clone the repository locally so you can start working on it:

git clone

and go into the repository:

cd genre_classification

Create environment

Make sure to have conda installed and ready, then create a new environment using the environment.yml file provided in the root of the repository and activate it:

> conda env create -f environment.yml
> conda activate genre_classification

Get API key for Weights and Biases

Let's make sure we are logged in to Weights & Biases. Get your API key from W&B by going to and click on the + icon (copy to clipboard), then paste your key into this command:

> wandb login [your API key]

You should see a message similar to:

wandb: Appending key for to your netrc file: /home/[your username]/.netrc

The configuration

As usual, the parameters controlling the pipeline are defined in the config.yaml file defined in the root. We will use Hydra to manage this configuration file. Open this file and get familiar with its content. Remember: this file is only read by the script (i.e., the pipeline) and its content is available with the go function in as the config dictionary. For example, the name of the project is contained in the project_name key under the main section in the configuration file. It can be accessed from the go function as config["main"]["project_name"].

NOTE: do NOT hardcode any parameter when writing the pipeline. All the parameters should be accessed from the configuration file.

Running the entire pipeline or just a selection of steps

In order to run the pipeline when you are developing, you need to be in the root of the starter kit, then you can execute as usual:

>  mlflow run .

This will run the entire pipeline.

When developing it is useful to be able to run one step at the time. Say you want to run only the download step. The is written so that the steps are defined at the top of the file, in the _steps list, and can be selected by using the steps parameter on the command line:

> mlflow run . -P steps=download

If you want to run the download and the basic_cleaning steps, you can similarly do:

> mlflow run . -P steps=download,preprocess

You can override any other parameter in the configuration file using the Hydra syntax, by providing it as a hydra_options parameter. For example, say that we want to set the parameter random_forest_pipeline -> random_forest -> n_estimators to 10:

> mlflow run . \
  -P hydra_options="random_forest_pipeline.random_forest.n_estimators=10"

To enable parallel hyperparameter optimization, you should execute the following:

> mlflow run . \
  -P hydra_options="-m random_forest_pipeline.random_forest.max_depth=range(10,50,3) random_forest_pipeline.tfidf.max_features=range(50,200,50) hydra/launcher=joblib"


Distributed under the Apache License 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.