Ever tried writing an F5 iRule and thought, "will this work?" only to have F5 respond with, "Nah, invalid expression on line 42?" 😩
Wouldn't it be nice to catch those errors in your iRules before they break production? Well, you're welcome! 🎁
Inspired by the awesome book Writing an Interpreter in Go, this project aims to parse F5 iRules with style and grace! 🦸 (Well, at least most of the time.)
Usage of ./irule-validator:
-d, --debug Debugging Mode
-h, --help Show help message
-p, --print-errors Print Errors
If no parameter is specified it will run in quiet mode returning only
the result.
If a file name is specified, it will parse the provided file.
If no file name is specified, it will go into REPL mode.
./irule-validator http.irule # Parse http.irule and show only the result
./irule-validator -p http.irule # Parse http.irule and print errors
./irule-validator # Start REPL
Pro Tip: When using this in a CI/CD pipeline, be sure to call it with -p
get those sweet error printouts you so desperately crave.
Does it validate every possible command with perfect accuracy? Not quite. Full syntax validation is hard, and I've realized that F5 iRules are a bottomless pit of edge cases. 🕳️
Building a complete F5 iRule parser is like trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces keep changing shape. But hey, I already have a parser that covers most of the use cases I need and that's good enough for me! 🎉
PRs are welcome! 💥