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Diamond Charts

ver Kotlin Kotlin License

Diamond Charts is a charting library for Android Jetpack Compose.


The library is available from the Maven Central repository with the current version of ver


    dependencies {

Sample Usage

Builtin Composable

You can use a builtin composable like this:

private fun LineGraphMultiPreview() {
        RandomData(DefaultData.SIMPLE_SERIES, 2),
        modifier = Modifier
        margins = Margins.wideRight


More builtin samples can be found here

Custom Composable

It is expected in most cases that you will create your own Composable that will create the chart. The following is an example of creating a line graph using a function to compute the data points.

fun FunctionGraph(
    minX: Double,
    maxX: Double,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    margins: Margins = Margins.default,
    fn: (Double) -> Double,
) {
    val density = LocalDensity.current
    Canvas(modifier = modifier) {
        // create an instance of the Charts container
        val charts = Charts(size.width, size.height, margins, Charts.LEGEND_NONE)
        // add the desired charts and graphs to the container
        // if multiple are added they will be drawn on top of each other
        charts.add(XYGraph(createData(fn, minX, maxX)))

        // make any desired changes to the vertical and horizontal axis
        charts.vertAxis?.apply {
            majorTickLabelPosition = TickLabelPosition.BelowTick
        charts.horizontalAxis?.apply {
            majorTickLabelPosition = TickLabelPosition.RightOfTick

        // do the drawing of chart
        // you can add custom drawing on top of the charts to provide even more customizations
        drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
            charts.draw(ComposeGC(canvas, density))

private fun createData(fn: (Double) -> Double, minX: Double, maxX: Double): ChartData {
    val data = DefaultXYData("fn")
    data.dataCount = 100
    val xInc = (maxX - minX) / data.dataCount
    for (i in 0 until data.dataCount) {
        val x = minX + (i + 1) * xInc
        data.setValue(i, x, fn(x))
    return data

private fun FunctionGraphPreview() {
        modifier = Modifier
        margins = Margins.wideRight
    ) { x ->
        (x + 1) * (x - 2) * (x - 2)


Compose and Kotlin version support

Charts version Compose BOM version Kotlin version
1.6.2 2024.09.00 1.9.20
1.5.3 2024.06.00 1.9.20
1.5.2 2023.08.00 1.8.22