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E. Lynette Rayle edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Where to get Eclipse? Recommended version...

Select the appropriate download from the first section… Spring Tool Suite 3.2.0.RELEASE - based on Eclipse Juno 3.8.2


  • Spring Tool Suite is an implementation built off Eclipse open source code. It includes everything that Eclipse includes and a few extra things to make Spring development easier. You do not need to download any software from the Eclipse site.
  • You will also want to Set up SVN.

Set up SVN

  • Menu: Help -> Install New Software...
  • select Juno - from the list of sources
  • search for SVN
  • select all
  • Next and Finish taking defaults (will restart Eclipse)
  • select SVN Kit latest version
  • Next and Finish taking defaults

Add a project where the source already exists in the Eclipse workspace

  • Rt Click in Project Explorer window -> New -> Project...
  • Select General -> Project and click Next
  • Uncheck 'Use default location'
  • Click Browse... button and navigate to existing source in the workspace
  • Use the filled in location field to identify the top-level directory name of new project
  • Set the Project name: field to be the same as the name of the top-level directory
  • Check 'Use default location'
  • Click Finish

Setup Tomcat in Spring Eclipse

  • Rt Click in Servers view -> New -> Server
  • Screen: Define a New Server
    • At top of list, expand Apache
    • Select latest Tomcat vX.0 Server
    • If Apache Tomcat vX.0 doesn't exist in Server runtime environment droplist, click Add... button beside Server runtime environment field (I only had this option after I installed a Tomcat Server)
    • Keep remaining defaults
    • Click Next
  • Screen: Tomcat Server
    • Browse to location of tomcat (ex. C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.29)
    • Name fills in automatically
    • May need to install a JRE, so click Installed JREs button
      • Dialog: Preferences->Installed JREs
        • if java jdk is in the list, then click cancel
        • otherwise, click Add... button
          • Dialog: Add JRE
            • Screen: JRE Type
              • Select Standard VM and click Next
            • Screen: JRE Definition
              • Click Directory... button and navigate to JRE (ex. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04)
              • JRE Name fills in automatically (NOTE: If you already installed the JRE, the names will collide. Probably want to cancel at this point.)
              • Leave everthing else as default
              • click Finish to complete Adding new Installed JRE
        • If you want this to be the default, make sure check box is selected next to the JRE
        • click OK for Adding JRE
    • Select desired JRE from JRE droplist. Mine is set to Workbench default JRE because I only have one installed and it is the default.
    • click Finish button for adding new Server runtime environment
  • Rt Click Tomcat vX in Servers view -> Add and Remove...
  • Select projects that will use this server and click Add > button
  • click Finish button

Add new project to be compiled and run by Tomcat Server in Spring Eclipse

  • Assumes the previous steps for setting up Tomcat in Eclipse is already done
  • Rt Click Tomcat vX.0 Server at localhost in Servers view
  • select Add and Remove...
  • select Project from list of Available projects and click Add > button


  • Rt Click on the project (in Navigator)
  • select Properties
  • select Project Facets
  • click 'Convert to faceted form...'
  • check box beside Eclipse Dynamic Web Module facet
  • Repeat instructions above for adding to Tomcat

Setup Tomcat Server for a Workspace in Spring Eclipse to use log4j

Yes, you do have to do this for every workspace.

Follow the basic instructions with these modificatinos...

$CATALINA_HOME = ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.exlipse.wst.server.core/tmp0 (NOTE: There may be a typo. org.exlipse is probably supposed to be org.eclipse)
mkdir lib
mkdir bin

More comments to use to understand the instructions...

1 - put in $CATALINA_HOME/lib NOTE: The attached file has a few minor, but important, changes to it from what you would copy from the instructions page. It directs output to the CONSOLE.

2 - download log4j – This means, get the log4j.jar NOTE: I keep a copy in Downloads/SAVE/Java/jars

3 - download tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat-juli-adapters.jar NOTE: I keep a copy in Downloads_SAVE\Apache\Tomcat\log4j for tomcat_

  • go to download page for your version of tomcat
  • In the Binary Distrubutions section, under Extras, you'll find two links that start with JULI. These two links will download the specified jars.

4 - Tells you where to put all these jars...

  • $CATALINA_HOME/lib - log4j.jar, tomcat-juli-adapters.jar
  • $CATALINA_HOME/bin - replace existing tomcat-juli.jar with downloaded version from Extras

5 - NOT NEEDED unless multiple tomcats

6 - NOT NEEDED unless multiple tomcats

7 - start Tomcat

How to run junit tests?

To run all tests in a file...

  • Rt click on test file (in Navigator)
  • select Run as... -> junit test

To run a single test...

  • Right Click one test (in JUnit tab)
  • select Run

To debug errors:

  • Right Click one test (in JUnit tab)
  • select Debug