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Multi Server Deployment Strategy

E. Lynette Rayle edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Rails app Setup

Development Branches in Rails app

dev branch

  • primary develop goes to this branch
  • configure github to default PRs to this branch

main branch

  • branch associated with production deployment
  • PRs to this branch are made when a set of code living in the dev branch is ready to be promoted to production
  • create a PR for the current dev and select to merge it into main

Servers for Deployment


  • localhost development work in feature or bug fix branch
  • create PR when work is ready to merge into dev


  • auto-deploy with merge to dev branch
  • used to test current dev to determine if it is ready to be promoted to production
  • similar config, but not exactly the same as production


  • auto-deploy with merge to main branch
  • used to confirm it is safe to update production
  • same config as production


  • manual deploy from main branch after sufficient testing at staging