Classify videos of human activity as fall or not-fall events. CS3244 AY20/21 Sem 2 Project.
This repository uses python 3.x
and is tested on python 3.6
Model has been trained on these public datasets: URFD and MCFD.
Training and testing datasets used
Video and Image Preprocessing files are found in dataset_preprocessing/
preprocessing is split into two parts:
- formatting videos into frames
- generating optical flow images
The preprocessed images are used as inputs to train the model.
Refer to file
. Each model works specifically on each of the fall datasets.
Refer to paper cited below for the model's architecture.
- Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This repository contains code from the paper:
Núñez-Marcos, A., Azkune, G., & Arganda-Carreras, I. (2017).
"Vision-Based Fall Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks"
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2017.
Abhinav Ramnath , Carel Chay Jia Ming, Koh Hui Hui Elizabeth Fang Pin Sern, Goh Jia Jun, Jordan Rahul Sabanayagam