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New functionalities

Emanuel Huber edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 14 revisions

Feel free to contact me if you have any troubles, questions, comments, wishes, etc.

Check the companion website for tutorials:

Time-zero, first wave break, etc.

tfb <- firstBreak(frenkeLine00)
t0 <- firstBreakToTime0(tfb, frenkeLine00, c0 = 0.299)
time0(frenkeLine00) <- t0
frenkeLine00_2 <- time0Cor(frenkeLine00, method = "pchip")

Recent functions for the class GPRsurvey

  1. create an object of the class GPRsurvey
SU <- GPRsurvey(LINES)
  1. the function linkCoordFid() relates the fiducials markers to the recorded trace positions (x,y,z)
fids <- linkCoordFid(y = SU, xyz = TO[, c("E", "N", "Z")], pcode = TO$PCODE)
which(sapply(fids, is.null))     # test it worked well
  1. interpolate trace positions
SU <- interpPos( SU , fids , r = r)
  1. reverse the GPR lines s.t. they are all oriented in the same direction
SUr <- reverse(SU)

you can also only reverse some specific lines

SUr <- reverse(SU, id = c("YLINE01" , "YLINE30"))
SUr <- reverse(SU, id = seq(1, 30, by = 2))
  1. rotate survey
SUrot <- rotate(SUr, alpha = pi/75)
  1. sequentially apply processing step on an object of the class GPRsurvey

    Create a list of lists defining the processing steps. The name of each sublist (e.g., agc) correspond to the name of the processing function, each sublist corresponds to the argument = values as defined by the processing function.

prc <- list("gain"    = list(type = "agc", w = 10),
            "dewow"   = list(type = "Gaussian", w = 15),
            "fFilter" = list(f = c(10, 40, 150, 200), type = "bandpass",
                             plotSpec = FALSE))

Apply all the processing step with the function papply()

SUr1 <- RGPR::papply(SUr, prc)