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An ember-cli-deploy plugin to open an ssh tunnel during your deploy

This plugins opens an ssh tunnel forwarding a port to the host you specify to one of your local ports.

A typical use case is to pair this plugin with the ember-cli-deploy-redis plugin to reach to redis servers that for security reasons are not listening to their public IP.

What is an ember-cli-deploy plugin?

A plugin is an addon that can be executed as a part of the ember-cli-deploy pipeline. A plugin will implement one or more of the ember-cli-deploy's pipeline hooks.

For more information on what plugins are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

Quick Start

To get up and running quickly, do the following:

  • Install this plugin
$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel
  • For typical usage with ember-cli-deploy-redis, place the following configuration into config/deploy.js.
ENV['ssh-tunnel'] = {
  username: 'yourname',
  host: 'yourserver',

  // A unique port on your local machine to forward to on the remote
  // server.  This will be set to a random port between 49151 and 65535
  // by default.
  // srcPort: <49151 - 65535>,

  // The port that the remote redis server listens on. 6379 is the default value.
  // dstPort: 6379
}; = 'localhost':

// ember-cli-redis will connect to redis locally on `ENV['ssh-tunnel'].srcPort`.
// Transmissions on that port will be forwarded over SSH and be received on
// the remote machine on `ENV['ssh-tunnel'].dstPort`.
// With `ember-cli-deploy-redis >= 0.1.1` `ENV.redis.port` will default
// to `ENV['ssh-tunnel'].srcPort` if available. On lower versions
// you must explicitly set it to match `ENV['ssh-tunnel'].srcPort.
// ENV.redis.port = 49151;
  • Run the pipeline
$ ember deploy


Run the following command in your terminal:

ember install ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel

ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

  • configure
  • willUpload
  • didUpload

Configuration Options

For detailed information on how configuration of plugins works, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

username (required)

The user for the ssh connection.

Default: undefined

host (required)

The server to connect to.

Default: undefined


The port to forward from the server.

Default: 6379


The host to forward to on the destination server.

Default: localhost


The local port for the forwarding.

Default: a random port between 49151 and 65535


The ssh port on the destination server.

Default: 22


The local path to your ssh private key.

Default: null


Authorization string for the ssh connection.

Default: null


The client used to create the ssh tunnel. This allows the user the ability to use their own client for uploading instead of the one provided by this plugin.

Default: the tunnel provided by tunnel-ssh


ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel uses the tunnel-ssh module to provide the SSH tunnel. Two options exist to configure tunnel-ssh from ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel: privateKeyPath and password. By default, we assume you have created a public and private key and added it to ssh-agent as described in the default GitHub setup.

If no authentication information is delivered to tunnel-ssh, it will default to using ssh-agent, so it will default to using the default id_rsa keys generated as described in the GitHub article. This includes password-protected SSH keys. If you would like to use a different SSH key, set the privateKeyPath option:

ENV['ssh-tunnel'] = {
  username: 'yourname',
  host: 'yourserver',
  privateKeyPath: '~/.ssh/another_key_rsa'

If you just want to use a password to tunnel, you can specify that as an option (we recommend using environmental variables in an .env file):

ENV['ssh-tunnel'] = {
  username: 'yourname',
  host: 'yourserver',
  password: process.env.SSH_PASSWORD

NOTE: at this time, this plugin does not support setting a path to privateKeyPath to a key that has been encrypted with a password.

Using ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel with "bastion" servers

ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel is commonly used to open a tunnel on a "bastion" server in order to access services behind a firewall. A discussion of the problem is available on the README for the ember-cli-deploy-redis plugin.

Example: AWS ElastiCache & EC2

One of the common use cases for ember-cli-deploy-ssh-tunnel is need to connect to ElastiCache that is accessible only from EC2 instance. To deploy your index.html to ElastiCache you need:

  • username and host you can SSH into your EC2 instance (e.g.
  • host and port of your ElastiCache that is accessible from this EC2 instance (e.g.

First, you should confirm that ssh tunneling actually works on your localhost, try:

$ ssh -f -N
$ redis-cli

You should be able to see Redis CLI connected to your ElastiCache instance.

If it works, set following configuration in ssh-tunnel:

  1. Set host to your EC2 instance (e.g.
  2. Set username to your EC2 user (e.g. deploy)
  3. Set dstHost to your ElastiCache instance (e.g.
  4. Set dstPort to your ElastiCache port (e.g. 6379)

In redis config leave host and port as default - thanks to ssh tunneling your localhost:6379 will point to via

Running Tests

  • yarn test

Why ember build and ember test don't work

Since this is a node-only ember-cli addon, this package does not include many files and dependencies which are part of ember-cli's typical ember build and ember test processes.

Thanks to:

@lukemelia and @achambers and the other folks from the ember-cli-deploy project.

@tim-evans for the original implementation in ember-deploy-redis