The Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI)
Estimates economic damages and impacts from climate change to the US through the 21st century
To install FrEDI for the first time:
new = .libPaths()[1],
repo = "USEPA/FrEDI",
subdir = "FrEDI",
type = "source",
force = TRUE
#ref = "branch" # this will install a particular branch of interest
point FrEDI to a particular temperature file of interest formated year, temp_c
tempInputFile <- file.path("your_file.csv")
also can add in files for gdp and population
here we specify that the temperature inputs are global. This will allow FrEDI to convert those temperatures to CONUS level
inputs <- import_inputs(tempfile = tempInputFile, temptype = "global")
simple command to run FrEDI using the imputs specified above
df <- run_fredi(inputsList= inputs, aggLevels="all")
there are different levels to aggregate the data. By selecting "none" FrEDI will print out all of the information and the user can then aggregate after