A utility to let you use your text snippets around all your devices. Currently the utility can be accessed from Android and Web. IOS and Windows/Linux should be just around the corner
Just a warning. This is an alpha build. There might still be small bugs around. You can report them in issues, and that would really help us out, and if you want to, you can even help us figure out how to fix it by dropping a PR.
This is flutter project. If you want to mess around with the code, clone the repo: https://github.com/emem365/intertwined.git
All you need to get this project running is to set up flutter in your system. To get started with flutter visit here Also, you might need to set up a similar Firebase project if you want to work on a functionality. For most UI work though, commenting out Firebase code should work.
Clone the project. Make sure you have an emulator running or a device connected to your PC
Run using:
flutter run
- Flutter - Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Firebase - Backend Service
- Madhur Maurya - Creator - emem365