HR application allows to add new employee data and display current employees in a data table.
Convert a html/jquery HR app to a react app. These is the React version of the HRnet app. The repository of the original project is here.
Convert 4 plugin jquery in React component and publish one of them as a npm package in npm site. I chose to convert and publish the Select Menu. The repository of the component is here, and the link to the package on the npm site here. here.
Old version of HRnet
New version of HRnet
React v17.0.2
Redux v4.1.2
react-redux v7.2.6
react-router-dom v6.2.1
redux-thunk v2.4.1
redux-persist v6.0.0
prop-types v15.8.1
bootstrap v5.1.3
mui-datatables v3.7.7
react-datepicker v4.6.0
@material-ui/core v4.11.4
@material-ui/icons v4.11.2
select-react-bootstrap v0.1.5
Fork this repository
Clone to your local on a directory of your choice.
From the terminal, change directory to the cloned project directory.
Install with command
yarn install
Run the project with command
yarn start
This application will run on http://localhost:3000