This is a repository hosting code used throughout my time learning Three.js from Bruno Simon's Three.js course. Below are some notes about the basic usages of Three.js.
- Scene which is essentially the set and made by
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
- Objects that make up the scene; these consist of a geometry (shape), and material
- Camera which views the scene and is made up of a perspective, and position
- Canvas which was added to the HTML and is rendered in the JS through a renderer; the scene and camera are added to the renderer
- made up of a geometry and material
const cube1 = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 })
Some methods to manipulate meshes:
translates the mesh to different points in spacemesh.scale.x/y/z
scales the mesh to be bigger or smaller along an axismesh.rotation.x/y/z
rotates the mesh along an axis in radians
Objects can be added to a new THREE.Group()
so that the entire group is manipulated rather than applying the same transformations to each object individually.
A simple way to make a Three.js animation is to make an infinite loop function that manipulates the object or camera and then rerenders the scene using window.requestAnimationFrame()
The problem is that different computers have different framerates which makes the speed at which something rerenders inconsistent among computers.
Possible solutions:
- use the
function in JS to regulate the time at which it rerenders - use the
There is also another library called GSAP which can be used to animate objects since it works with Three.js.
There are different types of cameras:
- used to render things like split screensStereoCamera
- used to render things like VRCubeCamera
- used to render environment maps for reflection or shadow mapOrthographicCamera
- renders scene without perspectivePerspectiveCamera
- similar to real-life camera with perspective
The PerspectiveCamera has 4 different parameters:
Field of view
- the vertical amplitude angle in degrees; small angle creates long scope effect while wide angle is similar to fish eye effect; typical values are 45-75Aspect ratio
- can typically use the canvas width and height which should be saved in an object since you use it multiple timesNear (3) and far (4)
- how close and how far the camera can see (range); try not to use too close and too far otherwise you'll get z-fighting where objects render into each other; typically use 0.1 and 100
The OrthographicCamera is different from the PerspectiveCamera and has 6 different parameters: left
, right
, top
, bottom
, near
, and far
. The first four indicate how far the camera can see in those directions.
There are some pre-made controls:
- used to retrieve device orientation if rotation is allowedFlyControls
- lets you rotate all 3 axes, go forward, and go backwardsFirstPersonControls
- fixed up axis like a flying bird view where the bird can't do a barrel rollPointerLockControls
- hides the cursor and keeps it centered, allowing you make FPS gamesOrbitControls
- left click = rotate, right click = panning, mosue wheel = zoomingTrackballControls
- similar to OrbitControls but has no limitTransformControls
- doesn't touch the camera, attaches to object and helps to move the objectDragControls
- doesn't touch the camera, moves objects on a plane facing the camera by dragging and dropping them
- can use
to change the postion of where the camera is targeting for x, y, z = 2
- damping will smooth the animation by adding acceleration and friction which can be enabled by
controls.enableDamping = true
There is the BoxGeometry
which has been used up until now, but what is a geometry? Geometries are made up of vertices and faces. These are used to make meshes and can be used to make particles.
There are a lot of built in geometries in Three.js which start with the following and end in Geometry
- boxPlane
- rectangle planeCircle
- disk or part of a diskCone
- cone or part of a coneRing
- flat ring or portion of flat circleTorus
- donut type ringTorusKnow
- knot thingDodecahedron
- 12 faced sphereOctahedron
- 8 faced sphereTetrahedron
- 4 faced sphereIcosahedron
- sphere made of triangles with the same sizeSphere
- basically a sphere with the quadsShape
- shape based on a pathTube
- tube following a pathExtrude
- making a extrusion based on a pathLathe
- creates a vaseText
- creates 3D text
As for the parameters of these built in geometries, there is the width
, height
, depth
, widthSegments
, heightSegments
, and depthSegments
. It works on spheres to change the segment parameters so that it is more smooth. By default it is 1, so if you set it to more, then there will be more segments and appear more smooth.
We can use BufferGeometry
to make our own shapes. This involves creating an array with the locations of the points, and the number of points used per shape in the BufferAttribute
since you can make multiple of the same shape using the array and methods.
- images that cover the surface of geometries
There are different types of textures:
- Color which takes the pixels of the texture and applies it to the geometry
- Alpha which takes a grayscale image where while is visible and black is not
- Height which is a grayscale image that moves the vertices to create some relief
- Normal which will add small details but not move the vertices
- Ambient occlusion which is a grayscale image that will fake shadow on surface crevices
- Metalness which is a grayscale image that will show metallic parts as white and non-metallic as black helping to create a reflection
- Roughness is a grayscale image that goes with metalness and helps to dissipate the light
PBR (physically based rendering) principles is one of the regrouping techniques that follow real life situations to get more realistic renderings and results.
use the
to load the image, it also has progress function for when the loading is happening and an error funnction if something goes wrong -
to help you manage loading a number of textures into your project -
use UV Unwrapping when we need to wrap a texture around a weird shaped object; if we have to create our own geometry, we have to also do the UV unwrapping ourselves through the 3D software
Mipmapping is a technique that consists of creating half a smaller version of a texture again and again until you get a 1x1 texture. There are two filter algorithms: minification and magnification filters. Only use the mipmaps for the minFiler property and you don't need it if you are using THREE.NearestFilter
, so you can deactivate it using colorTexture.generateMipmaps = false
Minification filter is when the pixels of texture are smaller than the pixels of the render, so texture is too big for the surface and has a couple of different filters:
Using the THREE.NearestFilter
results in some weird effects happening called moiré patterns which render crazy things.
Magnification filter is similar to minification filter but it makes it beeger so that the texture is too small for the surface to cover, and thus is more blurry. This one has two filters:
- kinda like the Minecraft pixelated effect, gets the best performance out of all the optionsTHREE.LinearFilter
With textures, need to keep in mind the weight, size, and data. For weight, the images need to be downloaded upon visiting the site, so need to make it as compressed as possible. For size, reduce the pixel size as much as possible and needs to be a power of 2. For data, textures support transparency, and need to use pngs for lossless compression.
Some places to find textures include:
- used to put color on each visible picture of a geometry
is the most basic material and using the map property will let you add a texture while the color property lets you add a color class
- one can combine the
properties to tint the texture with a colour - the
property lets you see it as a geometry - one can also change the opacity of a material, first set
transparent = true
and then setopacity = #
is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque)side
lets you choose which side is visible (either front, back or double sides)
lets you see the rainbowy colours in the normal relative's orientation to the camera; with this you can also use flatShading
which flattens the faces
- cool portfolio using the normals is
is an illuminated looking material that is performative
will colour the geometry in white if it is close to the camera and black if it is far
There are some that need to use a light source in order to render properly:
is a material that renders based on lighting in the sceneMeshPhongMaterial
uses the same things as the previous but with less strange patterns and can changeshininess
makes it look like it came out of a cartoon and you can use thegradientMap
property to declare colours for the shadow and for the light in which we need to ensure we use a large enough gradient texture
uses the standard physically based rendering principles and you can change the metalness
and roughness
- can use
property to add shadows where the textures are dark by giving the UV coordinates - the
properties will move the vertices to create true relief and need to make sure we have enough displacement and more subdivisions by changing the scale normalMap
will fake the normal orientation and add details on the surface regardless of the subdivision; there is also themetalnessMap
An environment map is an image of what's happening in the surrounding scene and is used to add reflection or refraction to the objects, makes it similar to a mirror or shiny object. A good resource for environment maps are HDRIHaven and you need to convert it to a cube map using
In three.js we can make 3D text. First, we need to make a .json of the font face and then add it to the project. Then, we need to load it in. Afterwards, we can use the same functions on objects to change the materials.
We can use
to centre the text.
A good resource for getting a matcap is
applies omnidirectional lighting on all the geometries of the scene, taking parameters such as color
and intensity
has a sun effect with sun rays going in parallel.
is similar to AmbientLight
but has a different colour coming from the sky and from the ground. This makes it so that there are two colour parameters and an intensity one.
is like a lighter where the light is very small and is uniform. You can change the fade distance and how quickly it fades using the distance
and decay
is similar to large rectangle lights and is similar to directional lighting and diffuse light. There are the color
, intensity
parameters, but also width
of the rectangle and height
is like a flashlight and has the first two parameters and distance
, angle
, penumbra
, and decay
Some performace considerations: Minimal cost - AmbientLight, HemisphereLight
Moderate cost - DirectionalLight, PointLight
High cost - SpotLight, RectAreaLight
Baking is when you put the light into the texture, but you can't move the lights.
With lights we also need shadows. The back part of objects that are dark are called core shadows. The drop shadows are the shadows created on other objects.
When doing a render, Three.js will do a render for all lights that cast shadows. These will simulate the lights seens as if it were a camera. When the light renders, MeshDepthMaterial
replaces all mesh materials. It's then stored as textures and named shadow maps.
To set it up, you have to enable the shadowMap
, set up castShadow
and receiveShadow
on the objects that have shadows, and then make the light cast the shadow with castShadow
The problem with baking the shadow into a texture is that it is not dynamic.
Parts to make a particle: BufferGeometry
, PointsMaterial
and Points
is a special type of material to create particles. It lets us use size
, and sizeAttenuation
to specify if distant particles should be smaller than close particles.
is a value between 0 and 1 that lets WebGL know when and when not to render pixel based on transparency.
lets you test to see if what's being drawn is closer than what's already drawn. Doesn't work well when there are other objects in the scene though.
A depth buffer
is the depth of what's being drawn is stored.
lets us tell WebGL to not write particles in that depth buffer. And works ok in our case with particles and other objects in the scene.
is a property that lets us not only to draw to a pixel, but to add the color of that pixel to the color of the pixel already drawn. So in our case, it lets us see the halo effect on top of another halo, making it super saturated in the places that they overlap. This effect reduces the performance though, so make sure to use less particles.
Shoots a ray in a direction to test to see which objects intersect with the ray. The two main methods are intersectObject
and intersectObjects
Each item of that returned array contains much useful information:
- distance: the distance between the origin of the ray and the collision point.
- face: what face of the geometry was hit by the ray.
- faceIndex: the index of that face.
- object: what object is concerned by the collision.
- point: a Vector3 of the exact position in 3D space of the collision.
- uv: the UV coordinates in that geometry.
Mouse events like mouseEnter
and mouseLeave
are not supported so we have to reproduce those methods if we want to use them.
Some 3D physics libraries:
- Ammo.js
- Cannon.js
- Oimo.js
Some 2D physics libraries:
- Matter.js
- P2.js
- Planck.js
- Box2D.js
To use Cannon.js, we make a world const world = new CANNON.World();
and then we can set things like gravity. To update the World with the physics we have to use the step(...)
function which can be explained further here.
Create shapes and bodies in Cannon.js. Then you can add ContactMaterials
to change the material properties and help things bounce or have friction.
There's some options to apply forces:
To test collisions between objects, we can use a broadphase which is a rough sorting of the bodies before testing. This is check if two bodies are close enough to each other to warrant testing. There are 3 algorithms including:
(default) - every body against every other bodyGridBroadphase
- only tests bodies against other bodies in the same grid spaceSAPBroadphase
(recommended) - tests bodies on arbitrary axes during multiple stages
Since all bodies get tested even if they're not moving, we can use a feature called sleep which means an object will not get tested if it is moving really slowly or not moving at all. Thus, the object won't get tested until it is hit with a lot of force through code or by another object. You just need to turn it on.
We can listen to events that occur on a body. Some common events are collide
, sleep
, and wakeup
You can add constraints like HingeConstraint
, DistanceConstraint
, LockConstraint
, and PointToPointConstraint
Works help to put a part of the code on a different thread so that you can spread the load to your CPU and not cause a single thread to be overloaded. This is a good example here.
The real Cannon.js is not updated so we use cannon-es which is maintained here:
- Git repository:
- NPM page:
Ammo.js is another good choice if more features are needed. It's more popular and has more examples of Three.js. There are also more performance enhancing features and WebAssembly.
Physijs is also another good choice since it has workers natively. It gets complicated quickly when adding more features though.
Common model formats:
- 3DS
- GLTF (very common)
When looking at the GLTF
format, it's good to use the glTF-default so that we can alter textures and lighting. If we only want one file per model and don't care about customization, glTF-Binary is good.
Draco compression sounds like a good idea since the geometries are lighter, but we have to load numerous things in, and it takes time to decode a compressed file and can result in a short freeze at the start of the program.
You can also load animations that come with the models using the animation mixer.