diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a491abb3..e73ffb1b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Implementation of various data structures and algorithms in Go.
- [Maps](#maps)
- [HashMap](#hashmap)
- [TreeMap](#treemap)
+ - [HashBidiMap](#hashbidimap)
- [Trees](#trees)
- [RedBlackTree](#redblacktree)
- [BinaryHeap](#binaryheap)
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ type Container interface {
Containers are either ordered or unordered. All ordered containers provide [stateful iterators](#iterator) and some of them allow [enumerable functions](#enumerable).
-| Container | Ordered | [Iterator](#iterator) | [Enumerable](#enumerable) | Ordered by |
+| Container | Ordered | [Iterator](#iterator) | [Enumerable](#enumerable) | Referenced by |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| [ArrayList](#arraylist) | yes | yes* | yes | index |
| [SinglyLinkedList](#singlylinkedlist) | yes | yes | yes | index |
@@ -64,9 +65,10 @@ Containers are either ordered or unordered. All ordered containers provide [stat
| [ArrayStack](#arraystack) | yes | yes* | no | index |
| [HashMap](#hashmap) | no | no | no | key |
| [TreeMap](#treemap) | yes | yes* | yes | key |
+| [HashBidiMap](#hashbidimap) | no | no | no | key* |
| [RedBlackTree](#redblacktree) | yes | yes* | no | key |
| [BinaryHeap](#binaryheap) | yes | yes* | no | index |
-| | | *reversible | | |
+| | | *reversible | | *bidirectional |
### Lists
@@ -372,6 +374,16 @@ type Map interface {
+A BidiMap is an extension to the Map. A bidirectional map (BidiMap), also called a hash bag, is an associative data structure in which the key-value pairs form a one-to-one relation. This relation works in both directions by allow the value to also act as a key to key, e.g. a pair (a,b) thus provides a coupling between 'a' and 'b' so that 'b' can be found when 'a' is used as a key and 'a' can be found when 'b' is used as a key.
+type BidiMap interface {
+ GetKey(value interface{}) (key interface{}, found bool)
+ Map
#### HashMap
A [map](#maps) based on hash tables. Keys are unordered.
@@ -430,6 +442,35 @@ func main() {
+#### HashBidiMap
+A [map](#maps) based on two hashmaps. Keys are unordered.
+Implements [BidiMap](#maps) interface.
+package main
+import "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/hashbidimap"
+func main() {
+ m := hashbidimap.New() // empty
+ m.Put(1, "x") // 1->x
+ m.Put(3, "b") // 1->x, 3->b (random order)
+ m.Put(1, "a") // 1->a, 3->b (random order)
+ m.Put(2, "b") // 1->a, 2->b (random order)
+ _, _ = m.GetKey("a") // 1, true
+ _, _ = m.Get(2) // b, true
+ _, _ = m.Get(3) // nil, false
+ _ = m.Values() // []interface {}{"a", "b"} (random order)
+ _ = m.Keys() // []interface {}{1, 2} (random order)
+ m.Remove(1) // 2->b
+ m.Clear() // empty
+ m.Empty() // true
+ m.Size() // 0
### Trees
A tree is a widely used data data structure that simulates a hierarchical tree structure, with a root value and subtrees of children, represented as a set of linked nodes; thus no cyclic links.
@@ -1057,6 +1098,10 @@ Collections and data structures found in other languages: Java Collections, C++
- Used in production.
+**No dependencies**:
+ - No external imports.
There is often a tug of war between speed and memory when crafting algorithms. We choose to optimize for speed in most cases within reasonable limits on memory consumption.
Thread safety is not a concern of this project, this should be handled at a higher level.
diff --git a/examples/hashbidimap.go b/examples/hashbidimap.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..861fff90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/hashbidimap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Emir Pasic. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package examples
+import "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/hashbidimap"
+// HashBidiMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of HashMap
+func HashBidiMapExample() {
+ m := hashbidimap.New() // empty
+ m.Put(1, "x") // 1->x
+ m.Put(3, "b") // 1->x, 3->b (random order)
+ m.Put(1, "a") // 1->a, 3->b (random order)
+ m.Put(2, "b") // 1->a, 2->b (random order)
+ _, _ = m.GetKey("a") // 1, true
+ _, _ = m.Get(2) // b, true
+ _, _ = m.Get(3) // nil, false
+ _ = m.Values() // []interface {}{"a", "b"} (random order)
+ _ = m.Keys() // []interface {}{1, 2} (random order)
+ m.Remove(1) // 2->b
+ m.Clear() // empty
+ m.Empty() // true
+ m.Size() // 0
diff --git a/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap.go b/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11027fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Emir Pasic. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package hashbidimap implements a bidirectional map backed by two hashmaps.
+// A bidirectional map, or hash bag, is an associative data structure in which the (key,value) pairs form a one-to-one correspondence.
+// Thus the binary relation is functional in each direction: value can also act as a key to key.
+// A pair (a,b) thus provides a unique coupling between 'a' and 'b' so that 'b' can be found when 'a' is used as a key and 'a' can be found when 'b' is used as a key.
+// Elements are unordered in the map.
+// Structure is not thread safe.
+// Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidirectional_map
+package hashbidimap
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps"
+ "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/hashmap"
+func assertMapImplementation() {
+ var _ maps.BidiMap = (*Map)(nil)
+// Map holds the elements in two hashmaps.
+type Map struct {
+ forwardMap hashmap.Map
+ inverseMap hashmap.Map
+// New instantiates a bidirectional map.
+func New() *Map {
+ return &Map{*hashmap.New(), *hashmap.New()}
+// Put inserts element into the map.
+func (m *Map) Put(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
+ if valueByKey, ok := m.forwardMap.Get(key); ok {
+ m.inverseMap.Remove(valueByKey)
+ }
+ if keyByValue, ok := m.inverseMap.Get(value); ok {
+ m.forwardMap.Remove(keyByValue)
+ }
+ m.forwardMap.Put(key, value)
+ m.inverseMap.Put(value, key)
+// Get searches the element in the map by key and returns its value or nil if key is not found in map.
+// Second return parameter is true if key was found, otherwise false.
+func (m *Map) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
+ return m.forwardMap.Get(key)
+// GetKey searches the element in the map by value and returns its key or nil if value is not found in map.
+// Second return parameter is true if value was found, otherwise false.
+func (m *Map) GetKey(value interface{}) (key interface{}, found bool) {
+ return m.inverseMap.Get(value)
+// Remove removes the element from the map by key.
+func (m *Map) Remove(key interface{}) {
+ if value, found := m.forwardMap.Get(key); found {
+ m.forwardMap.Remove(key)
+ m.inverseMap.Remove(value)
+ }
+// Empty returns true if map does not contain any elements
+func (m *Map) Empty() bool {
+ return m.Size() == 0
+// Size returns number of elements in the map.
+func (m *Map) Size() int {
+ return m.forwardMap.Size()
+// Keys returns all keys (random order).
+func (m *Map) Keys() []interface{} {
+ return m.forwardMap.Keys()
+// Values returns all values (random order).
+func (m *Map) Values() []interface{} {
+ return m.inverseMap.Keys()
+// Clear removes all elements from the map.
+func (m *Map) Clear() {
+ m.forwardMap.Clear()
+ m.inverseMap.Clear()
+// String returns a string representation of container
+func (m *Map) String() string {
+ str := "HashMap\n"
+ str += fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.forwardMap)
+ return str
diff --git a/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap_test.go b/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca46a069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/hashbidimap/hashbidimap_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Emir Pasic. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package hashbidimap
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+func TestMapPut(t *testing.T) {
+ m := New()
+ m.Put(5, "e")
+ m.Put(6, "f")
+ m.Put(7, "g")
+ m.Put(3, "c")
+ m.Put(4, "d")
+ m.Put(1, "x")
+ m.Put(2, "b")
+ m.Put(1, "a") //overwrite
+ if actualValue := m.Size(); actualValue != 7 {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, 7)
+ }
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := m.Keys(), []interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; !sameElements(actualValue, expectedValue) {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := m.Values(), []interface{}{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}; !sameElements(actualValue, expectedValue) {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ // key,expectedValue,expectedFound
+ tests1 := [][]interface{}{
+ {1, "a", true},
+ {2, "b", true},
+ {3, "c", true},
+ {4, "d", true},
+ {5, "e", true},
+ {6, "f", true},
+ {7, "g", true},
+ {8, nil, false},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests1 {
+ // retrievals
+ actualValue, actualFound := m.Get(test[0])
+ if actualValue != test[1] || actualFound != test[2] {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, test[1])
+ }
+ }
+func TestMapRemove(t *testing.T) {
+ m := New()
+ m.Put(5, "e")
+ m.Put(6, "f")
+ m.Put(7, "g")
+ m.Put(3, "c")
+ m.Put(4, "d")
+ m.Put(1, "x")
+ m.Put(2, "b")
+ m.Put(1, "a") //overwrite
+ m.Remove(5)
+ m.Remove(6)
+ m.Remove(7)
+ m.Remove(8)
+ m.Remove(5)
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := m.Keys(), []interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4}; !sameElements(actualValue, expectedValue) {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := m.Values(), []interface{}{"a", "b", "c", "d"}; !sameElements(actualValue, expectedValue) {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ if actualValue := m.Size(); actualValue != 4 {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, 4)
+ }
+ tests2 := [][]interface{}{
+ {1, "a", true},
+ {2, "b", true},
+ {3, "c", true},
+ {4, "d", true},
+ {5, nil, false},
+ {6, nil, false},
+ {7, nil, false},
+ {8, nil, false},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests2 {
+ actualValue, actualFound := m.Get(test[0])
+ if actualValue != test[1] || actualFound != test[2] {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, test[1])
+ }
+ }
+ m.Remove(1)
+ m.Remove(4)
+ m.Remove(2)
+ m.Remove(3)
+ m.Remove(2)
+ m.Remove(2)
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := fmt.Sprintf("%s", m.Keys()), "[]"; actualValue != expectedValue {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ if actualValue, expectedValue := fmt.Sprintf("%s", m.Values()), "[]"; actualValue != expectedValue {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, expectedValue)
+ }
+ if actualValue := m.Size(); actualValue != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, 0)
+ }
+ if actualValue := m.Empty(); actualValue != true {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, true)
+ }
+func TestMapGetKey(t *testing.T) {
+ m := New()
+ m.Put(5, "e")
+ m.Put(6, "f")
+ m.Put(7, "g")
+ m.Put(3, "c")
+ m.Put(4, "d")
+ m.Put(1, "x")
+ m.Put(2, "b")
+ m.Put(1, "a") //overwrite
+ // key,expectedValue,expectedFound
+ tests1 := [][]interface{}{
+ {1, "a", true},
+ {2, "b", true},
+ {3, "c", true},
+ {4, "d", true},
+ {5, "e", true},
+ {6, "f", true},
+ {7, "g", true},
+ {nil, "x", false},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests1 {
+ // retrievals
+ actualValue, actualFound := m.GetKey(test[1])
+ if actualValue != test[0] || actualFound != test[2] {
+ t.Errorf("Got %v expected %v", actualValue, test[0])
+ }
+ }
+func sameElements(a []interface{}, b []interface{}) bool {
+ if len(a) != len(b) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for _, av := range a {
+ found := false
+ for _, bv := range b {
+ if av == bv {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func BenchmarkMap(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ m := New()
+ for n := 0; n < 1000; n++ {
+ m.Put(n, n)
+ }
+ for n := 0; n < 1000; n++ {
+ m.Remove(n)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/maps/hashmap/hashmap.go b/maps/hashmap/hashmap.go
index 77192332..3f42ffc1 100644
--- a/maps/hashmap/hashmap.go
+++ b/maps/hashmap/hashmap.go
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (m *Map) Put(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
m.m[key] = value
-// Get searches the elemnt in the map by key and returns its value or nil if key is not found in map.
+// Get searches the element in the map by key and returns its value or nil if key is not found in map.
// Second return parameter is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *Map) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
value, found = m.m[key]
diff --git a/maps/maps.go b/maps/maps.go
index 6ee3b23a..93c64c92 100644
--- a/maps/maps.go
+++ b/maps/maps.go
@@ -30,3 +30,10 @@ type Map interface {
// Clear()
// Values() []interface{}
+// BidiMap interface that all bidirectional maps implement (extends the Map interface)
+type BidiMap interface {
+ GetKey(value interface{}) (key interface{}, found bool)
+ Map