run "composer update" to generate /vendor folder with base laravel libraries
sqlite file already exists with customer table and 2 test entries path for file is /app/database/production.sqlite
run "php artisan db:seed" to restore this sqlite db anytime
Default application host name is http://laravelapi
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/ - GET pulls all customers
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/{id} - GET pulls individual customer
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/ - POST creates customer
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/{id} - PATCH updates customer
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/{id} - DELETE removes individual customer
http://laravelapi/api/v1/customers/search - GET search customers by parameters
Routing - /app/routes.php
Customer API Controller - /app/RestApiSample/API/v1/controllers/CustomerAPIController.php
Customer DB Repository - /app/RestApiSample/Repositories
Validation Service - /app/RestApiSample/Services/Validator
API Test Controller - /app/controllers/APITestController.php
routed to http://laravelapi/apitest