React-redux app using the basic redux features to create a blog post app using Json Placeholder public api and create blog posts.
🎯 Store:
Lets think store as a Real Store. Where I have many data and information.
🎯 Reducer:
Reducer is a person works at my store. I can assign him in many task ( Actions ) and make him to re organaise my store ( read state ).
For example if I ask him to sort the soap section and give him the soap name Lux Soap he will sort the soap section.
Reducer accepts two parameter - ACTION - STATE
Like the Store boy, he will need 2 things to do the work.
If we code the state we can see
const initialState = {
articles: []
function rootReducer(state = initialState, action) {
return state;
export default rootReducer;
🎯 Actions:
Here the Actions is the "type" and "payload" object like this:
type: 'SORT_THE_SHOP_SECTION', // Which work - Sort the soap
payload: { brand: 'Lux', id: 1 } // Which brand
Here we can use Constant for the type value instade of String. Think of this as a shortcut which you use for the store boy to do any task and he understands the full task.
Now the code will look like :
import { SORT_SOAP } from "../constants/action-types";
export function addArticle(payload) {
return { type: SORT_SOAP, payload };
Before telling this ( how he knows the task ) first set some rule for the store management:
- The boy can't damage the items in the store ( Can't mutate the store data [Redux principle: immutability.] )
- Can't open the box of the items in the store and change internal items to sort (we can't change the initial state in place.)
This example may not make sense, but keep in mind :
- We can't change the state in place
- We can't use impure function for reducer
- Remember two key points for avoiding mutations in Redux:
- use concat(), slice(), or the spread operator for arrays
- use Object.assign() or object spread of objects
So, how the boy knows what to do: [ Action for Reducer ]
There is a board in the store where all the instructions are placed. The boy checks for a task and related information for the task.
if we think in code, the reducer checks what is the task from actions [ type of work , payload ] and act accordingly.
initialState = {
// unsorted soap
function rootReducer(state = initialState, action) {
if (action.type === SORT_SHOP) {
return {
// Sorted soap
return state;
- getState - We can know the current state of the state of the application/ store
- dispatch - to let reducer know what action is to complete (Posting the task in the task-board )
- subscribe - for listening on state changes . Not clear? I will discuss this later
How I connect react with redux?
Yes You have given the answer, with connect we connect the react with redux. We get connect from react-redux library.
connect is used to connect the react states and actions with redux state and actions with the two following functions;
- mapStateToProps
- mapDispatchToProps
Always remember: the state in redux comes from reducers.