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Act documentation

Lambda generation

Use all functionality of lambda functions without LAMBDA

from act.cursors.dynamic import *

main = a + b  # lambda a, b: a + b
main(10, 6)

Lambdas are generated using single-letter cursors. Each individual letter represents one argument.
The order in which arguments are assigned to cursors corresponds to the alphabetical number of the letter of which the cursor is named.

...with currying

main = a + b + c + d  # lambda a, b, c, d: a + b + c + d without curry >.<
main(1)()(2, 3)(4)

...or attribute getting

class WithA:
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a

main = v.a + w*x  # lambda v, w, x: v.a + w*x
main(WithA(10), 3, 2)

To generate a call, use the _ cursor method

main = v.lowwer._() + w._(x + '?')  # lambda v, w, x: v.lowwer() + w(x + '?')
main('ABC', lambda x: x * 3, '!')

To interact with names that cursors have, just add underscore to them.
E.g. v.__ or v.values_.

To generate a call without the _ method, use static cursors instead of these dynamic ones.

In this case, when you have completed generation, you should call it from the fun function.

from act.cursors.static import *

main = fun(v.lowwer() + w(x + '?'))  # lambda v, w, x: v.lowwer() + w(x + '?')
main('ABC', lambda x: x * 3, '!')

Use _ cursor to interact from outside

main = _.len(_[v - w, v + w, _(v, v)])  # lambda v, w: len([v - w, v + w, (v, v)])
main(10, 5)

If you can't use the _ cursor use the act equivalent cursor.
E.g. act(v, w) instead of _(v, w).

An external cursor that generates a get from a variable cannot be called and, if attempted, generates a call.

Use unlimited arguments

main = _(v, *args, *kwargs.values_._())  # lambda v, *args, **kwargs: (v, *args, *kwargs.values())
main(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
(1, 2, 3, 4)

Set attributes or items

main = v.a.set(w[1].set(-x)).a  # there is no such >.<
main(WithA(...), [1, 2, 3], 8)
[1, -8, 3]

Item setting supports tuple.

main = t[1].set(8)
main((1, 2, 3))
(1, 8, 2)

...with side effects

main = v.a.ioset(w[1].ioset(-x)).a

values = [1, 2, 3]
with_a = WithA(...)

main(with_a, values, 8)  # [1, -8, 3]
values  # [1, -8, 3]
with_a.a  # [1, -8, 3]

...and via a function

main = v.a.iobe(lambda a: a * 4).a
with_a = WithA(64)

main(with_a)  # 256
with_a.a  # 256

To use a function immutably use be.

main = t[1].be(lambda i: i**3)
main((1, 2, 3))
(1, 8, 2)

Use boolean logic operators

v.and_(w)  # lambda v, w: v and w
v.or_(w)  # lambda v, w: v or w
v.is_(w)  # lambda v, w: v is w
v.is_not(w)  # lambda v, w: v is not w
v.in_(w)  # lambda v, w: v in w
v.not_in(w)  # lambda v, w: v not in w
v.has(w)  # lambda v, w: w in v
v.has_no(w)  # lambda v, w: w not in v

Operators are executed in the order in which they are nested.

v.has(4).or_(w.has(4)).and_(False)  # always `False`

Start generation not with cursors

main = same([1, 2, 3]).has(v)  # lambda v: v in [1, 2, 3]


Combine calls together

main = int |then>> (v + 6) |then>> str |then>> (l + '!')  # lambda v: str(int(v) + 4) + '!'

Cursors cannot generate pipeline.

Execute instantly

10 |frm| (v * 2) |frm| str |frm| (l + '23')  # str(10 * 2) + '23'

Insert functions into templates

main = bind_by(int |then>> ... |then>> str |then>> (l + '!'))
# lambda f: int |then>> f |then>> str |then>> (l + '!')

func = main(v + 3)  # int |then>> (v + 3) |then>> str |then>> (l + '!')

Places for insertion are not limited.

Create a pipeline from collections

main = ActionChain([int, v**2, str, l + " >= 0"])  # int |then>> (v**2) |then>> str |then>> (l + " >= 0")
16 >= 0

...or in higher order functions

from functools import reduce

main = reduce(bind, [int, v**2, str, l + " >= 0"])  # int |then>> (v**2) |then>> str |then>> (l + " >= 0")
16 >= 0

Interact with a pipeline in the same way as with a regular collection

main = int |then>> str |then>> float |then>> int  # lambda v: int(float(str(int(v))))

tuple(main)  # (int, str, float, int)
len(main)  # 4
len(main * 2)  # 8

main[1]  # str
main[1:3]  # str |then>> float decorate

main = discretely(bind_by(... |then>> (v * 2)))

action = main(int |then>> str)  # int |then>> (v * 2) |then>> str |then>> (v * 2)
action(10.1)  # 2020

action = main(str)  # str |then>> (v * 2)
action(1)  # 11

To remove secondary behavior of a pipeline or part of it, use fun.


func = main(int |then>> fun(str |then>> (v + '48.')))
# int |then>> (v * 2) |then>> fun(str |then>> (v + '48.')) |then>> (v * 2)


bind by default binds without secondary behavior.

To generate a pipeline without secondary behavior from a template, use the fbind_by shortcut.

Partial application

Memorize arguments

from operator import truediv

divide_8_by = partial(truediv, 8)  # lambda _: truediv(8, _)
divide_by_2 = rpartial(truediv, 2)  # lambda _: truediv(_, 2)

divide_8_by(2)  # 4
divide_by_2(8)  # 4

act uses its implementation of partial.

...using call

from operator import truediv

divide_8_by = will(truediv)(8)  # (lambda a: lambda b: truediv(a, b))(8)
divide_by_2 = rwill(truediv)(2)  # (lambda b: lambda a: truediv(a, b))(2)

divide_8_by(2)  # 4
divide_by_2(8)  # 4

...or pseudo-operators

(truediv |to| 8)(2)  # 4
(truediv |by| 2)(8)  # 4

...with unpacking

args = (1, 2, 3)

(print |to* args)(4)  # 1 2 3 4
(print |by* args)(0)  # 0 1 2 3

Pseudo-operators is preferred over partial and rpartial functions for one argument.

Add automatic partial application

def func(a: A, b: B, c: C, *, d: D = 4) -> tuple[A, B, C, D]:
    return (a, b, c, d)

func(1, 2, 3)  # (1, 2, 3, 4)
func(1)(2)(3)  # (1, 2, 3, 4)
func(1, 2)(3)  # (1, 2, 3, 4)
func(0, 1, d=3)(2)  # (0, 1, 2, 3)

TypeVars of one letter are already present in the library, so you do not need to create them.

Data flow

Ignore arguments

main = take[0][2, 3][5:7]['x'](_(*args, *kwargs.values_._()))
main(*range(10), a='a', b='b', x='x')
(0, 2, 3, 5, 6, x)


main = always(print, 42)  # lambda *_, **__: print(42)
main(*range(100), a='a', b='b', c='c', d='d')
42 get something

to("something")(...)  # (lambda *_, **__: "something")(...)

To get True or False in this way you can use yes and no shortcuts.

Execute with prepared result

main = with_result("forced result", print)
main("argument") + " and something"
forced result and something an argument

main = io(print)
main("argument") + " and something"
argument and something

io functions returns only the first argument and in this sense are reduced from procedural form to functional form.

state = list()
state_from = io(list.append) |to| state

state_from(1) == [1]
state_from(2) == [1, 2]
state_from(3) == [1, 2, 3]

state == [1, 2, 3]

To print with return just like in that first example, you can use the shown shortcut.

Flip parameters

from operator import truediv

flipped(truediv)(10, 1)

Execute only once

main = once(shown)

main("value") + " and something"
main("value") + " and something"
value and something
value and something

Execute via indexer

main = via_indexer(v / w)
main[16, 2]

...or with indexer

@and_via_indexer(t | float)
def main(v: int | float) -> int | float:
    return v + 3

main(5)  # 8
main[int]  # int | float

Compare positively

anything == ...  # True

Syntax synonyms

Use branching

from typing import Any

on(v >= 0, v**2)  # lambda v: v**2 if v >= 0 else v
on(None, 4)  # lambda _: 4 if _ is None else _
on(None, 4, else_=0)  # lambda _: 4 if _ is None else 0

    (n > 0, "positive"),
    (0, "zero"),
    (n < 0, "negative"),
    (..., "NaN: {}".format),

# def _(n: Any) -> str:
#     if n > 0:
#         return "positive"
#     elif n == 0:
#         return "zero"
#     elif n < 0:
#         return "negative"
#     else:
#         return f"NaN: {n}"

...with stopping

main = when(
    (n > 0, "positive"),
    (0, break_),
    (n <= 0, "negative"),
    (..., 'NaN'),

main(4)  # positive
main(0)  # NaN
main(-4)  # negative
main(list()) # NaN

Use decorating predicates

not_(isinstance |by| int)  # lambda _: not isinstance(_, int)

bool(not_(None))  # True
not_(None)(...)  # True
not_(None)(None)  # False

and_(n >= 0, 1, isinstance |by| int)  # lambda n: n >= 0 and n == 1 and isinstance(n, int)

bool(and_(True, True))  # True
bool(and_(True, False))  # False

or_(None, 0, isinstance |by| bool)  # lambda _: _ is None or _ == 0 or isinstance(_, bool)

bool(or_(True, False, False))  # True
bool(or_(False, False, False))  # False

Use formatting

main = fmt("({}) -> ({second})", int | t, second=int | t)  # lambda t: f"({int | t}) -> ({int | t})"
(int | float) -> (int | float)

Each function in fmt is executed with all arguments

Use cycles

times(3)(shown)  # lambda _: shown(shown(shown(_)))

while_(not_(None), v[0])

# def _(v) -> None:
#     while v is not None:
#         v = v[0]
#     return v

Raise errors

Traceback ...
Exception: o.O

Use the raising shortcut to ignore input arguments.

Traceback ...
Exception: o.O

Catch errors

try_(1 / n, will("{} is undivided ({})".format))

# def _(n):
#     try:
#         return 1 / n
#     except Exception as error:
#         return f"{n} is undivided ({error})"

To emulate an except block, use the catch function.

    1 / n,

# def _(n):
#    try:
#        return 1 / n
#    except ZeroDivisionError as error:
#        print(error)

Save errors

main = with_error(v / w)

error, value = main(8, 2)  # (nothing, 4)
error, value = main(8, 0)  # (ZeroDivisionError('division by zero'), None)

Use context manager

text = with_(open("file.txt"),

# with open("file.txt") as f:
#     text =

Assert something

Traceback ...

Create discrete tests

from unittest import main

test_something = case_of(
    (lambda: 5 + 3, 8),
    lambda: 4 in range(10),

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s


Cases consist of a body (the first element of the tuple) and a positive result of the body (the second).
The body is a function that is called without arguments.

If there is no positive result, True is considered a positive result.


Create objects that display something

alpha = flag_about("alpha")
beta = flag_about("beta")
gamma = flag_about("gamma")

Flags are combined with the | operator and subtracted with -.
Presence check is done with == operator.

Flags are combined by or nature so

alpha | beta == alpha
alpha | beta == beta
alpha | beta == alpha | beta
alpha | beta == alpha | gamma
alpha | beta is not alpha

Subtracts optional so

alpha - beta is alpha
(alpha | beta) - beta is alpha

There is a specific nothing flag that is a neutral element so

alpha | nothing is alpha
alpha | nothing != nothing

alpha - alpha is nothing

nothing == nothing
nothing | nothing is nothing

Flags are iterable by its sum so

tuple(alpha | beta | gamma) == (alpha, beta, gamma)
len(alpha | beta | gamma) == 3

tuple(alpha) == (alpha, )
len(alpha) == 1

tuple(nothing) == tuple()
len(nothing) == 0

Flags indicate something.
It can be any value or abstract phenomenon expressed only by this flag.

Flags indicating a value can be obtained via the pointed function.

pointed(4) | alpha == pointed(4)

pointed(1, 2, 3) == pointed(1) | pointed(2) | pointed(3)
pointed(alpha) is alpha
pointed() is nothing

pointed(4).point == 4
pointed(4).points == (4, )

nothing.point is nothing
nothing.points == tuple()

(alpha | beta).point == alpha.point
(alpha | beta).points == (alpha.point, beta.point)

pointed can annotate a value it declares.

pointed[int] == int | Flag[int]

Flags indicating a value are binary by value.
Nominal by their signs.

terrible = flag_about("terrible", negative=True)

bool(alpha) is True
bool(terrible) is False

bool(pointed(1)) is True
bool(pointed(0)) is False

bool(pointed(0) | alpha) is True
bool(pointed(0) | terrible) is False

Flags can be selected by their point using the that method.

pointed(*range(11)).that(n >= 7) == pointed(7, 8, 9, 10)
pointed(*range(11)).that(n >= 20) == nothing

alpha.that(f == alpha) == alpha
alpha.that(f == 0) == nothing

Flag sums can be represented in atomic form. In this case, the atomic version is technically a representation of all flags of the sum, and at the same time none, in one flag, but in fact, it is just a first selected flag.

atomic(pointed(1, 2, 3))  # pointed(1)

Don't use the atomic form to get exactly a first flag. The flag sum does not guarantee the preservation of the sequence (although it still implements it).

Flags can be represented in vector form via unary plus or minus and added via call.

pointed(1) != +pointed(1)
pointed(1) != -pointed(1)

(+pointed(3))(pointed(1, 2))  # pointed(1, 2, 3)
(-pointed(3))(pointed(1, 2, 3))  # pointed(1, 2)
(-pointed(1))(pointed(1))  # nothing

Flag vectors have unary plus and minus and a sum, which can be created with the & operator and inverted back to flag by ~ operator.

++pointed(1)  # +pointed(1)
--pointed(1)  # +pointed(1)

~+pointed(1) == pointed(1)
~-pointed(1) is nothing

(+pointed(2))(pointed(1))  # pointed(1, 2)

(-pointed(2) & +pointed(3))(pointed(1, 2))  # pointed(1, 3)

Flags also use ~ to come to themselves, which can be used with a Union type with a vector to cast to Flag.

from random import choice

~pointed(1) == pointed(1)

flag_or_vector = choice([pointed(1), +pointed(1)])

isinstance(~flag_or_vector, Flag) is True  # always
isinstance(+flag_or_vector, FlagVector) is True  # always

Flags available for instance checking as a synonym for instance checking by points.

isinstance(4, alpha) is False
isinstance(alpha, alpha) is True
isinstance(alpha, alpha | terrible) is True
isinstance(alpha, terrible) is False

isinstance(1, pointed(int)) is True
isinstance(1, alpha | int) is True
isinstance(alpha, alpha | int) is True

Create callable flags

alpha = flag_about("alpha").to(v**2).to(-v)  # flag_about("alpha").to((v**2) |then>> (-v))

Only named flags can be callable.


Add a second value to one value, which in one form or another will describe the first value

great = flag_about("great")

contextual(great, 4)
great 4



very = flag_about("very")

contextual(very, great, 4)
very great 4

If you describe by a flag you can make it callable on that contextualization

great = contextualizing(flag_about("great"))
great 4

To declare contextualization use the be function.


be(great)(4)  # great 4
be(great, great(4))  # great 4

nice = contextualizing(flag_about("nice"))

be(nice, great(4))  # nice great 4

be(+nice, great(4))  # great | nice 4
be(+nice, 4)  # nice 4

be(-nice, nice(4))  # nothing 4
be(-nice, 4)  # nothing 4

Get values


context, value = great(4)

great(4).value == value == 4
great(4).context is context is great

Note that with nested contextualization, data is structured recursively.


very = contextualizing(flag_about("very"))

very(great(4))  # very great 4

very(great(4)).value  # great 4
very(great(4)).context  # very

To preserve some features of the described values, you can use other forms of contextualization

For Callable objects:

safely = flag_about("safely")
action_with_context = contextually(safely, print)

context, action = action_with_context

action_with_context.action is action is print
action_with_context.context is context is safely

action_with_context(1, 2, 3, sep=" -> ")
1 -> 2 -> 3

For Exceptions:

from_domain = flag_about("from_domain")

some_error = Exception('o.O')
error_with_context = ContextualError(from_domain, some_error)

context, error = error_with_context

error_with_context.error is error is some_error
error_with_context.context is context is from_domain

raise error_with_context
Traceback ...
act.contexting.ContextualError: raisable(from_domain Exception('o.O'))

Flag contextualization also supports all of these forms.

from_domain = contextualizing(flag_about("from_domain"), to=ContextualError)
raisable(from_domain Exception('o.O'))

Declorate contextualization


perfect = contextualizing(flag_about("perfect"))

contexted(4)  # nothing 4
contexted(perfect(4))  # perfect 4

contexted(4, perfect)  # perfect 4
contexted(great(4), perfect)  # perfect 4

contexted(great(4), +perfect)  # great | perfect 4
contexted(great(4), -great)  # nothing 4

contexted can annotate a value it declares.

contexted[str]  # typing.Union[str, act.contexting.ContextualForm[typing.Any, str]]
contexted[int, str]  # typing.Union[str, act.contexting.ContextualForm[int, str]]

...or a context

with_context_that(v > 0, contextual(pointed(1, 2, 3), "mega"))  # 1 "mega"
with_context_that(v > 0, contextual(pointed(-1, -2, -3), "mega"))  # nothing "mega"
with_context_that(v > 0, "mega")  # nothing "mega"

Calculate value with a context

nice = contextualizing(flag_about("nice"))

saving_context(v * 2)(nice(4))  # nice 8
saving_context(v * 2)(4)  # nothing 8

to_context(-nice)(nice(4))  # nothing 8
to_context(+nice)(4)  # nice 8

to_write(_(a, b))(nice(4))  # (nice, 4) 4
to_read(_(a, b))(nice(4))  # nice (nice, 4)

...with additional nesting


to_metacontextual(+nice, v * 2)(contextual(contextual(4), nothing, 2))  # (nice 8) nice 4

is_metacontextual(nice(nice(8)))  # True

with_reduced_metacontext(contextual(2, 1, "mega"))  # 2 | 1 "mega"
with_reduced_metacontext(contextual(3, 2, 1, "mega"))  # 3 | 2 1 "mega"

with_reduced_metacontext(4)  # contextual(4)
with_reduced_metacontext(contextual(..., 4))  # contextual(..., 4)

without_metacontext(contextual(1, 2, 3, "mega"))  # 1 | 2 | 3 "mega"

metacontexted(contextual(1, 2, 3, "mega"))  # (1, 2, 3, 'mega')
metacontexted("mega")  # ('mega',)

Similar to context initialization, contextualization form generics also work.

contextual[int]  # contextual[nothing, int]
contextual[str, int]  # contextual[str, int]
contextual[float, str, int]  # contextual[float, contextual[str, int]]


Break execution on None

main = optionally(
    (v - 10) |then>> {0: False, 1: True}.get |then>> fmt("<{}>", v)

main(10)  # <False>
main(16)  # None

...for calling

optionally.call_by(5, 3)(v + w)  # 8
optionally.call_by(...)(None)  # None
optionally.call_by(None, 1)(v + w)  # None

...or not on None

main = maybe(
    |then>> on(v < 0, bad(ValueError("number must be greater than zero")))
    |then>> (v ** 2)

main(4)  # 16
main(-4)  # bad ValueError("number must be greater than zero")

...or on errors

main = with_error(v / w) |then>> until_error((16 / v) |then>> "found {}!".format)

main(4, 0)  # ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") None
main(8, 2)  # nothing "found 4.0!"
main(0, 2)  # pointed(ZeroDivisionError("float division by zero")) 0.0

Write an output

4 |frm| showly((v + 4) |then>> (v * 2) |then>> (v - 4))
12 different ways

logs = list()

4 |frm| showly(show=logs.append)((v + 4) |then>> (v * 2) |then>> (v - 4))

logs == [8, 16, 12]

Choose action by context

main = either(
    (right, v + 1),
    (left, v - 1),

main(right(3))  # right 4
main(left(-3))  # left -4
main(0)  # nothing 0

Otherwise, either is equivalent to when.

Defer execution

main = in_future(shown |then>> float) |then>> saving_context(v ** 2)

pointed(parallel 4.0) 16

Structural OOP

Create objects on the fly

val(name="William")  # <name="William">
val(name="William").name  # William

...and modify

val(name="William") & val(age=24)  # <name="William", age=24>

(val(name="William") & val(age=24)) - 'age'  # <name="William">
val(name="William") + 'age'  # <name="William", age=None>

Objects are compared by value, support isinstance and create Union on | so

class WithA:
    def __init__(a):
        self.a = a

val(a=4) == WithA(4)

isinstance(val(name="William"), val(name="William"))
not isinstance(val(name="not William"), val(name="William"))

isinstance(val(name="William", age=24), val(name="William"))
not isinstance(val(name="William"), val(name="William", age=24))

isinstance(val(name="William"), val(name="William") | val(age=24))
isinstance(val(age=24), val(name="William") | val(age=24))

Use methods

namespace = val(a=2, main=as_method(lambda self, b: self.a ** b))

namespace.main  # <bound method <lambda> of <a=2, main=callable(as_method <lambda>)>>
namespace.main(4)  # 16

container = val(_value=0, value=as_property(v._value, v._value.ioset(w * 4)))
# container = val(_value=0, value=as_property(property(v._value, v._value.ioset(w * 4))))

container.value  # 0
container.value = 16  # 64

...and descriptors in general


Use callable objects

val(__call__=print)(1, 2, 3, sep=' -> ')
val(__call__=as_method(print))(1, 2, 3, sep=' -> ')
1 -> 2 -> 3
<__call__=callable(as_method print)> -> 1 -> 2 -> 3

Create from others

class Alpha:
    a = 1

class Beta:
    def __init__(self, b):
        self.b = b

val(Alpha, Beta(2))  # val(Alpha) & val(Beta(2))
<__module__="__main__", a=1, __doc__=None, b=2>

Create types

User = type(name=str, age=int)  # <name: str, age: int>

user = User("Oliver", 24)
<name="Oliver", age=24>



User(name="Oliver", age=24) == user
User("Oliver", age=24) == user
User("Oliver")(age=24) == user
User("Oliver")(24) == user
User(name="Oliver")(24) == user
User(age=24)(name="Oliver") == user
User(age=24)("Oliver") == user
User("Oliver", 24, is_admin=True) == user & val(is_admin=True)

act only extends type, preserving the rest of the behavior.
If you cannot use such type, then use type_.

Behaviorally, types are equivalent to objects.

type(name=str) & type(age=int)  # <name: str, age: int>

User = type(name=str) & val(age=24)  # <name: str, age=24>
User("Oliver")  # <name="Oliver", age=24>

(type(name=str) & type(age=int)) - 'age'  # <name: str>
type(name=str) + 'age'  # <name: str, age=None>

(type(name=str) & val(__call__=print))("Oliver")(1, 2, 3, sep=' -> ')  # 1 -> 2 -> 3

type() == val()

isinstance checks for empty fields as their presence.

isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=24), type(name=str))
isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=24), type(name=str) & val(age=24))
not isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=24), type(name=str) & val(age=26))

isinstance(val(name="Oliver"), type(name=str) | type(age=int))
isinstance(val(age=24), type(name=str) | type(age=int))

combination = (type(name=str) & val(age=24)) | (val(name="Oliver") & type(age=int))

isinstance(val(name="Stone", age=24), combination)
not isinstance(val(name="Stone", age=22), combination)
isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=2023), combination)

Create objects natively

not_a_singleton = obj(a=10, add=lambda self, b: self.a + b)
not_a_singleton.add(6) == 16

other_not_a_singleton = not_a_singleton & val(a=-10)
other_not_a_singleton.add(6) == -4

obj just like val can create based on existing


obj(not_a_singleton, other_not_a_singleton, c=8) == other_not_a_singleton & val(c=8)
obj(other_not_a_singleton, not_a_singleton, c=8) == not_a_singleton & val(c=8)

Create types from dataclasses

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Some:
    a: int
    b: int = 2
    c: int = field(default_factory=lambda: 4)
<a: int, b=2, c=4>

struct casts an input value to dataclass if it is not one, so @dataclass can be omitted.

Use duck typing

class User:
    name: str
    age: int

isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=24), Proto[User])
isinstance(val(name="Oliver", age=24, is_mvp=True), Proto[User])
not isinstance(val(name="Oliver"), Proto[User])

Create proxies

original = val(a=1)

sculpture = sculpture_of(original, number='a')

sculpture.number == sculpture.a == original.a == 16

sculpture.number = 16
sculpture.number == original.a == 16



proxy_of = sculpture_of(number=v.a / 2, value=property(v.a, v.a.ioset(w * 2)))

sculpture = proxy_of(original)

sculpture.number == 8
sculpture.value == 16

sculpture.number = 4  # AttributeError: property of 'val' object has no setter
sculpture.value = 4

original.a == 8

To get an original object to which a sculpture delegates use original_of.


original_of(sculpture) is original

Declare a read-only getting

class Container:
    value: int = 4

    a: read_only[int] = read_only("value")
    b: read_only[int] = read_only(property(v.value, v.value.ioset(w)))

container = Container()

container.a == container.b == container.value == 4

container.a = ...  # AttributeError: attribute cannot be set
container.b = ...  # AttributeError: attribute cannot be set

read_only can be used as an annotation.

Transfer data

class WithA:
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a

with_a = WithA(None)

from_(val(a=1, b=2), with_a)

with_a.__dict__  # {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
type(with_a)  # <class '__main__.WithA'>

Use optional attributes

out(val(a=4)).a == 4
out(val()).a is None

original = val(a=4)

out(original).a = 8
out(original).b = 8

original  # <a=8>


Rollback by function

def division_between(a: int, b: int) -> int | bad[str]:
    if a == 0 or b == 0:
        return bad("division by zero")

    return a / b

WithNumber = type(number=N)
Result = type(multiplication=N, division=N)

@do(maybe, optionally, for_input=optionally)  # You can use `@do.simply` to avoid passing `Do`.
def main(do: Do, a: WithNumber[Optional[int]], b: WithNumber[Optional[int]]) -> Result:
    # You can use just `do`, but then the number type can also be `bad[...]`.
    maybe, optionally = do  # These unpacked values are also `Do`.

    # `maybe` for `... | bad[...]` type.
    # `optionally` for `Optional[...]` type.
    # `either` for `... | left[...]` type.
    # `binary` for `... | Literal[False]` type.

    # if the stored numbers are `None`, then `main` will return `None`.
    # You can specify `else_` and then this value will be returned instead.

    first_number = optionally.same(a.number)
    second_number = optionally.same(b.number)

    # If `division_between` had a `rollback` method, then it would be called if one of the numbers is zero.
    division = maybe(division_between)(first_number, second_number)
    multiplication = first_number * second_number

    # If the return is bad, all decorated functions by `do` will try to call the `rollback` method without
    # arguments.
    # If the target function was decorated with `rollbackable`, then `rollback` would be called with the
    # same arguments with which the function itself was called.

    return Result(multiplication, division)

# As a result, `main` will have this type.
main: Callable[
    [Optional[WithNumber[Optional[int]]], Optional[WithNumber[Optional[int]]]],
    Result | bad[str],

assert main(WithNumber(16), WithNumber(2)) == val(multiplication=32, division=8)
assert main(WithNumber(16), WithNumber(0)) == bad("division by zero")
assert main(WithNumber(16), WithNumber(None)) is None
assert main(WithNumber(16), None) is None

Structure tools

For collections

flat([1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]) == (1, 2, 3, [4, 5])
deep_flat([1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]) == (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

to_interval[1][3:7](will(filter)(v > 0))(range(0, -10, -1)) == (0, -2, -7, -8, -9)

tmap(v * 2, [1, 2, 3]) == (1, 4, 9)
tzip(range(10), "abc") == ((0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'))
tfilter(v > 0, range(-4, 4)) == (1, 2, 3)

tuple(indexed(range(5), 0, 2)) == ((0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4))

append(1, 2, 3)(0) == append(1, 2, 3)((0, )) == (0, 1, 2, 3)

without(1, 4, 8, 256)(range(10)) == (0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9)
without(4)(4) == tuple()

without_duplicates([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]) == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

as_collection(1) == (1, )
as_collection([1, 2, 3]) == (1, 2, 3)
as_collection((1, 2, 3)) == (1, 2, 3)

For dictionaries

from collections import OrderedDict + 1, dict(a=1, b=2)) == OrderedDict([('a', 2), ('b', 3)])
table.filter(v > 0, dict(a=0, b=1)) == OrderedDict([('b', 1)])
table.reversed(dict(a=1, b=2)) == OrderedDict([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')])

dict(groups_in(range(11), by=v >= 5)) == {False: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), True: (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)}
type(groups_in(range(11), by=v >= 5)) is OrderedDict