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Feathered PIDs

nerdCopter edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 4 revisions

Featherd PIDs

  • Feathered PIDs changes how dTerm (kD) is calculated.
  • 0 is error-based dTerm and 100 is measurement based-dTerm.
  • dTerm on gyro measurement is how BetaFlight calculates dTerm. (100)
  • dTerm based on error is how KISS calculates dTerm. (0)
  • Measurement-based (100) is smoother but less responsive than error-based (0).
  • Any value in-between is a percentage of each.
  • Some quads prefer error-based, while others prefer measurement-based.
  • 50 is an exact balance between both.

@QuickFlash Tip : dTerm from error = FF+BF_dTerm. So the lower feathered is the more FF you have.

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