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Quick-Flash edited this page Sep 14, 2019 · 19 revisions

IMUF Tuning


Think of Q as “Trust”. The more you “trust” the gyro measurement, the less filtering will be applied. Q values are “elastic”. The defaults (3000) are now baseline values. This will predictably change based on conditions during flight. This results in a much more responsive and connected feel. This also reduces the potential for MTO, and other unwanted flight characteristics. In some instances MTO can be created from having a Q value which is to low. In those instances increases Q will help with MTO.


W is the amount of gyro readings which the IMUF filter looks at to determine its filter. Lower W gives a sharper stick feel. Larger craft prefer a higher W value. Increasing W does not increase delay in the filter, instead it just increases the window of gyro readings from the past that the filter looks at to make its calculations.

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