This is a MEN Stack application aims to manage and automate the volunteer activities at schools; through per user dashboard, organized project tasks, manageable task work flow, and a responsive mobile-first layout.
The project is build with Node.js, Express, and Mongodb, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, JQuery, SCSS and HTML. The project is under test and is subject to enhancements.
Teacher account: username: testteacher, password: Testteacher1
Family account: username: testfamily, password: Testfamily1
Install dependencies
npm install
Run using development environment
npm run dev
Bundle the code
npm run build
Run using deployment environment
npm start
Run using deployment environment through the bundled code
npm run start:bundle
Run the test cases
npm run test
| +---controllers
| | +---project.js
| | +---task.js
| | +---user.js
| +---helpers
| | +---auth
| | +---index.js
| +---models
| | +---Project.js
| | +---Task.js
| | +---User.js
| +---public
| | +---css
| | +---fonts
| | +---images
| | +---js
| | +---scss
| +---routes
| | +---index.js
| | +---project.js
| | +---task.js
| | +---user.js
| +---services
| +---views
| +---index.js
The school-volunteer-dashboard is available under the MIT license | Copyright (c) 2018 Enas Elkhouly.