ID all ids are UUID v4
Docker compose
# build and run the stack
docker compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml up --build
Kind + helm + ingress-nginx
# create kind cluster with ingress nginx
# optionaly: install cert-manger with self signed issuer
# install helm chart
# tagged version are listed here
helm install reciper --set version=[version] helm/reciper
# or with values file
# copy example and edit the helm/local-values.yaml values file
cp helm/local-values-example.yaml helm/local-values.yaml
# install the chart
helm install reciper --values helm/local-values.yaml helm/reciper
The litestream setup expect specific k8s secret to be present to pull the AWS credentials from.
# create k8s secret for litestream containers
kubectl --namespace reciper create secret generic litestream \
--from-literal=LITESTREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID="" \
ios app icon courtesy of by justicon - Flaticon
ios recipe placehoder photo by Lindsay Moe on Unsplash