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Student Name: Enes Demirag
Student ID : 504201571
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These are my Analysis of Algorithms II Course Assignments. Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree, Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithms. If you encounter any problem regarding this projects, feel free to reach me.

Sincerely, Enes.


Solving Cryptarithmetic Puzzles with Breadth-First Search & Depth-First Search

BLG336E - Analysis of Algorithms II, Spring 2021, Homework 1

For any necessary information about this project first read the assignment. This projects consist of a Node class, two graph traverse algorithms (BFS and DFS) and other utility functions. In order to compile and run this project, first you need to link files under include/ directory. Below commands can be used to build and run this project with g++.

>> cd cryptarithmetic-puzzles
>> g++ -std=c++11 -Iinclude -c src/*
>> g++ -std=c++11 -Iinclude -g *.o -o executable main.cpp
>> ./executable DFS TWO TWO FOUR solution.txt

All of the standard libraries used in this project is given below.

<list>      : To implement a FIFO type Queue structure.
<stack>     : To implement a LIFO type Stack structure.
<string>    : String operations.
<vector>    : Storing some elements and accessing them.
<iostream>  : To print things to the terminal.
<algorithm> : To find element positions inside lists and vectors and sort them.
<cmath>     : Numeric operations like power and max.
<chrono>    : To calculate running time.

I explained my decisions and way of thinking in depth via inline documentation and comments inside this project. Also you can check my submitted report.


For any necessary information about this project first read the assignment. This projects consist of a Graph class with methods like Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). Below commands can be used to build and run this project with g++.

>> cd minimum-spanning-tree
>> g++ -std=c++11 q1.cpp -o q1
>> ./q1
>> city_plan_1.txt

All of the standard libraries used in this project is given below.

<algorithm> : To find element positions inside lists and vectors.
<iostream>  : To print things to the terminal.
<fstream>   : To read things from a file.
<sstream>   : To parse sub strings
<string>    : String operations.
<vector>    : Storing some elements and accessing them.
<set>       : Storing unique elements.
<map>       : Mapping pairs of elements.

I explained my decisions and way of thinking in depth via inline documentation and comments inside this project. You can also test these programs using calico tool with given q1.t and q2.t scripts.

In order to use calico, you should install it from pip and run the given .t files. Calico will automatically test the programs with different cases.

>> pip install calico
>> calico q1.t 


This projects consist of a Graph class with methods like Dijkstra'a Shortest Path algorithm. Below commands can be used to build and run this project with g++.

>> cd shortest_path
>> g++ -std=c++11 q2.cpp -o q2
>> ./q2
>> path_info_1.txt

All of the standard libraries used in this project is given below.

<algorithm> : To find element positions inside lists and vectors.
<iostream>  : To print things to the terminal.
<fstream>   : To read things from a file.
<sstream>   : To parse sub strings
<climits>   : To assign the maximum integer value.
<string>    : String operations.
<vector>    : Storing some elements and accessing them.
<tuple>     : To store three values in a pack.
<set>       : Storing unique elements.
<map>       : Mapping pairs of elements.