- Electrostatic planar and axissymmetric problems
- Stationary current planar and axissymmetric problems
- Magnetostatic planar and axissymmetric problems
- 1D and 2D triangular Elements for all problem types
- Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for all problem types and Elements
- Display of calculated values depending on selected problem
- Electrostatic : V, E, D
- Stationary current : V, E, J
- Magnetostatic : A, B, H
- For vector values :
- Abs, Abs mesh, Quiver, Slice, Field lines - plots
- For scalar values :
- Abs, Abs mesh, Slice - plots
- Additional options
- Calculate field or potential along a curve defined by a list of points and the total number of points to interpolate
- Calculate field or potential for selected mesh (zoom in and out)
- Calculate energy for selected region :
- Electrostatic
- Magnetostatic