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tsdb: a terribly-simple database for time series

About tsdb

A terribly-simple database for numeric time series, written purely in R, so no external database-software is needed. Series are stored in plain-text files (the most-portable and enduring file type) in CSV format. Timestamps are encoded using R’s native numeric representation for ‘Date’/’POSIXct’, which makes them fast to parse, but keeps them accessible with other software. The package provides tools for saving and updating series in this standardised format, for retrieving and joining data, for summarising files and directories, and for coercing series from and to other data types (such as ‘zoo’ series).

Good things about tsdb

  • no setup needed, no system dependencies (i.e. external software, such as a database)
  • completely portable; moving from one computer to another requires no effort other than copying the files (the only thing to take care of is file encoding if non-ASCII column names are used)
  • data usable by other software

When you need another database

  • tsdb is potentially slow
  • no multi-user support; no access-rights management (other than that provided by the OS)
  • no network protocols

Using tsdb

Writing data

We first load the package.


Start by creating time-series data.

z <- zoo(1:5, as.Date("2016-1-1") + 0:4)
2016-01-01 2016-01-02 2016-01-03 2016-01-04 2016-01-05
         1          2          3          4          5

To store these data, we need to enforce a consistent format, which the functions ts_table and as.ts_table do.

ts <- as.ts_table(z, columns = "A")
5 rows [2016-01-01 -> 2016-01-05]: A

Note that we had to provide a column name (A) for the data. This is not optional. It is one of the things that ts_table enforces. Another is that timestamps need to be of class Date or POSIXct.

To store the data to a file, use write_ts_table. The function will take a directory and file name as arguments, which mimics the hierarchy of databases and tables in a classical database.

write_ts_table(ts, dir = "~/tsdb/daily", file = "example1")

The written file will look like this:


You may notice that the dates have been replaced by numbers. The mapping between these numbers and calendar times is described later, when we discuss the representation of timestamps. (But if you can’t wait: it is the number of days since 1 January 1970.)

Let us write a second file. This time, we use ts_table directly.

x <- array(1:20, dim = c(10, 2))
colnames(x) <- c("A", "B")
       A  B
 [1,]  1 11
 [2,]  2 12
 [3,]  3 13
 [4,]  4 14
 [5,]  5 15
 [6,]  6 16
 [7,]  7 17
 [8,]  8 18
 [9,]  9 19
[10,] 10 20
ts_table(x, timestamp = as.Date("2016-1-1") + 0:9)
10 rows [2016-01-01 -> 2016-01-10]: A, B

We can also explicitly specify the column names, which will override the column names of the data. In fact, this is the preferred way, since it makes things more explicit (which usually means safer).

ts <- ts_table(x, timestamp = as.Date("2016-1-1") + 0:9,
		 columns = c("B", "A"))
10 rows [2016-01-01 -> 2016-01-10]: B, A

We write the data to a file example2.

write_ts_table(ts, dir = "~/tsdb/daily", file = "example2")

The written file looks like this:


Reading data

Use the function read_ts_tables.

read_ts_tables("example1", dir = "~/tsdb/daily", columns = "A")

The default return value is a list with components data, timestamp, columns and file.path.

[1,] 1
[2,] 2
[3,] 3
[4,] 4
[5,] 5

[1] "2016-01-01" "2016-01-02" "2016-01-03" "2016-01-04" "2016-01-05"

[1] "A"

[1] "~/tsdb/daily/example1::A"

More convenient may be to specify a return.class.

read_ts_tables("example1", dir = "~/tsdb/daily", columns = "A",
		 return.class = "zoo")
2016-01-01                        1
2016-01-02                        2
2016-01-03                        3
2016-01-04                        4
2016-01-05                        5
read_ts_tables("example1", dir = "~/tsdb/daily", columns = "A",
		 return.class = "data.frame")
   timestamp ~/tsdb/daily/example1::A
1 2016-01-01                        1
2 2016-01-02                        2
3 2016-01-03                        3
4 2016-01-04                        4
5 2016-01-05                        5

With tsdb before version 0.7, read_ts_tables would per default only have returned values for non-weekend days. (tsdb was written with financial data in mind, and on weekends there are no prices.) This behaviour is controlled by argument drop.weekends, which defaults to FALSE.

[1] "Friday"   "Saturday" "Sunday"   "Monday"   "Tuesday"

To obtain data for weekends as well, specify the argument drop.weekends.

read_ts_tables("example1", dir = "~/tsdb/daily",
		 columns = "A",
		 return.class = "data.frame",
		 drop.weekends = TRUE)
   timestamp ~/tsdb/daily/example1::A
1 2016-01-01                        1
2 2016-01-04                        4
3 2016-01-05                        5

You may have noticed a small difference in the names of the functions for reading and writing. We always write a single table, but we read tables.

read_ts_tables(c("example1", "example2"),
		 dir = "~/tsdb/daily",
		 columns = "A",
		 return.class = "data.frame")
    timestamp ~/tsdb/daily/example1::A ~/tsdb/daily/example2::A
1  2016-01-01                        1                       11
2  2016-01-02                        2                       12
3  2016-01-03                        3                       13
4  2016-01-04                        4                       14
5  2016-01-05                        5                       15
6  2016-01-06                       NA                       16
7  2016-01-07                       NA                       17
8  2016-01-08                       NA                       18
9  2016-01-09                       NA                       19
10 2016-01-10                       NA                       20

The column names of the returned object consist of the filepaths and the column, which may be more information than we actually want. The argument specifies the format; its default is %dir%/%file%::%column%.

read_ts_tables(c("example1", "example2"),
		 dir = "~/tsdb/daily",
		 columns = "A",
		 return.class = "data.frame",
      = "%file%/%column%")
    timestamp example1/A example2/A
1  2016-01-01          1         11
2  2016-01-02          2         12
3  2016-01-03          3         13
4  2016-01-04          4         14
5  2016-01-05          5         15
6  2016-01-06         NA         16
7  2016-01-07         NA         17
8  2016-01-08         NA         18
9  2016-01-09         NA         19
10 2016-01-10         NA         20

Missing values are by default set to NA. That happens even for missing columns, with a warning though.

read_ts_tables(c("example1", "example2"),
		 dir = "~/tsdb/daily",
		 columns = c("A", "B"),
		 return.class = "data.frame",
      = "%file%/%column%")
    timestamp example1/A example1/B example2/A example2/B
1  2016-01-01          1         NA         11          1
2  2016-01-02          2         NA         12          2
3  2016-01-03          3         NA         13          3
4  2016-01-04          4         NA         14          4
5  2016-01-05          5         NA         15          5
6  2016-01-06         NA         NA         16          6
7  2016-01-07         NA         NA         17          7
8  2016-01-08         NA         NA         18          8
9  2016-01-09         NA         NA         19          9
10 2016-01-10         NA         NA         20         10
Warning message:
In read_ts_tables(c("example1", "example2"), dir = "~/tsdb/daily",  :
  columns missing

How tsdb works


tsdb works with time-series tables (objects of class ts_table). A ts_table is a numeric matrix, so there is always a dim attribute. For a time-series table x, you get the number of observations with dim(x)[1L].

Attached to this matrix are several attributes:

a vector: the numeric representation of the timestamp
character: the class of the original timestamp, either Date or POSIXct
a character vector that provides the columns names

There may be other attributes as well, but these three are always present.

A ts_table is not meant as a time-series class. For most computations (plotting, calculation of statistics, etc), the ts_table must first be coerced to zoo, xts, a data-frame or a similar data structure. Methods that perform such coercions are responsible for converting the numeric timestamp vector to an actual timestamp. For this, they may use the function ttime, whose pronounciation may remind you of a hot beverage, but whose name really stands for translate time.

The file format

tsdb can store and load time-series data. The format it uses is plain CSV. A sample file may look as follows:


Thus, the file has a header line that gives the names of the columns, with the first column always being named timestamp.

The advantage of this plain format is that the data are in no way dependent on tsdb. The files can be used and manipulated by other software as well.


Two types of timestamps are supported: Date and POSXIct. As part of a ts_table, timestamps are always stored in their numeric representation: daily timestamps are represented as the number of days since 1 Jan 1970; intraday timestamps are the number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970.


A terribly-simple data base for time series







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