Share location-based ideas, events, instant photos around users.
- Explore events around your location on Google Maps
- Save favorite places - home, work, neighborhood, etc - or users to keep posted
- Search postings using event types
- Take a photo or select a photo from library to post with message
- Anonymous user setting for casual interacations among users
- iOS 10.3+
- Xcode 8.3
- Cocoapods version 1.21 or later
$ git clone <YourProjectName>
$ cd <YourProjectName>
$ pod install
$ open <YourProjectName>.xcworkspace
To add this app to a Firebase project, use the bundleID from the Xcode project. Download the generated GoogleService-Info.plist file, and copy it to the root directory of the sample you wish to run. Replace Google Maps API key with your own API key in Appdelegate
// AppDelegate.swift
- Google Maps SDKs
- Firebase Auth, Database, Storage, and Cloud Messaging (Push Notification)