To use CommonLibSSE-NG as a git-submodule instead of overlay-ports, clone it to extern/CommonLibSSE-NG and edit vcpkg.json removing "commonlibsse-ng" and adding its dependencies.
In Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022
or Developer PowerShell for VS 2022
, run:
git clone
cd skse-clibng-template
.\cmake\build.ps1 -buildPreset relwithdebinfo
.\cmake\build.ps1 -buildPreset debug
cmake -B build -S . --preset default --fresh
cmake --build build --preset release
Then get the .dll in build/Release, or the .zip (ready to install using mod manager) in build.
This template contains some examples that can be removed if not used:
- Boost dependencies in CMakeLists.txt and vcpkg.json
- Sample files inside dist/ directory (used to by cpack to generate .zip)
- GameEventHandler.cpp, GameEventHandler.h and SkseMessagingListener.h.
- .clang-tidy and .clang-format
- Log directory method in Plugin.cpp
CMake will use a file named local.cmake (project root), in this file you can add something like:
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMAND xcopy /y /-I "bin\\$<CONFIG>\\${PROJECT_NAME}.dll" "C:\\games\\Skyrim\\Data\\SKSE\\Plugins\\${PROJECT_NAME}.dll"
COMMAND xcopy /y /-I "bin\\$<CONFIG>\\${PROJECT_NAME}.pdb" "C:\\games\\Skyrim\\Data\\SKSE\\Plugins\\${PROJECT_NAME}.pdb"
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMAND "C:\\games\\Skyrim\\skse64_loader.exe" WORKING_DIRECTORY "C:\\games\\Skyrim"