Implementation of Customized sign-in/sign-out using App Service Authentication.
Interface that executes the authentication flow:
Create the App Service resorces:
az group create -n rgapp -l eastus
az appservice plan create -g rgapp -n planapp --is-linux --sku B1
az webapp create -g rgapp -p planapp -n appcustomsignin789 -r "DOTNETCORE:7.0" --https-only
az webapp config set -g rgapp -n appcustomsignin789 --always-on true
Add the required app settings (environment variables):
az webapp config appsettings set -g rgapp -n appcustomsignin789 \
Set up CORS:
az webapp cors add -g rgapp -n appcustomsignin789 --allowed-origins "*"
Restart the app:
az webapp restart -g rgapp -n appcustomsignin789
Using the Portal, add an identity provider:
- Identity Provider: Microsoft
- App Registration Type: Create new
- Supported account types: Current / Single tenant
- Restrict access: Require
- Unauthenticated requests: HTTP 401
- Token store: No (Uncheck the box)
➡️ Open the configuration and change the Issuer URL to the updated one:
- Issuer URL:{TENANT_ID}
Make sure the token audiences is configured:
- Allowed token audiences:
Delete the Web App platform.
Create a new SPA platform with redirect URI http://localhost:4200
Do not select any token generation for the Authentication endpoint. This will trigger the app registration to use Auth Code Flow + PKCE.
Enter the application directory:
cd webapi
Build and deploy the webapi to App Services:
az webapp deployment source config-zip -g rgapp -n appcustomsignin789 --src ./bin/
To run the Angular client locally, create the angular\src\environments\environment.development.ts
export const environment = {
production: false,
Start the Angular app:
npm install
ng serve
The website should be available at http://localhost:4200
Destroy the Azure resources to avoid costs.