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Getting started

Evert Provoost edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 8 revisions

Navigating to your file

Wrap is a commandline tool so you'll first have to open a terminal prompt and navigate to where your file is.

Using a file explorer

  1. Navigate to your file using your OS's file explorer.
  2. Open your terminal in the current directory:
    • Windows: shift + right click and select 'Open PowerShell window here'.
    • macOS: You can add a similar option to the Command + click menu under System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services.
    • Linux: consult your distribution's documentation.

Using the command line

  1. Open Terminal on macOS, PowerShell on Windows or your favourite terminal emulator on Linux.
  2. You can change directory on all platforms using cd [path to directory]. To go to the parent directory you use cd ...

Exporting .fountain and .wrap files

For general help use wrap --help, for specific help for a subcommand use wrap [subcommand] --help

Exporting a file to a specific format is as easy as:
wrap html path/to/script.fountain or wrap pdf path/to/other/script.wrap

Wrap will automatically write the result to a file in the same directory, with the same name and the appropriate extension.

If you want to change the output file and/or directory you can use the out flag, eg. wrap pdf script.wrap --out ../myScript.pdf will write the resulting PDF-file as myScript.pdf in the parent directory.

Going into production

By default Wrap doesn't add scene numbers to it's output as is expected from a spec script. Once you go into production you can add scene numbers by adding the --production or -p flag to your command.

Further reading and closing notes

This only scratched the surface of Wrap's features. For instance, by default Wrap interprets it's input as Fountain however Wrap also supports the Wrap Format which is an extension of Fountain improving multi language support, writing for stage and a number of other things.

It's also worth looking into all keys in the Title Page that are used by Wrap.

If you ever get stuck, please take a look in the FAQ or take a look at our issue list.

Also I'd love to hear of you if you use Wrap to create something cool! Let me know at 🙂

Advanced usage


Unlike on most other platforms the PowerShell won't pipe binary data so it's unfortunately not possible to pipe the result of an exported PDF.

The Wrap command supports piping.


If no file name is given Wrap will try to read from standard input, interpreting it as being in the Wrap Format.


If the out flag is set that path will be used.
Else if standard out is redirected to another program the file will be written to standard out.
If none of the above are true Wrap will create a new file.