CRBasic code for the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory dataloggers. All are Campbell Scientific CR1000 loggers. Below is a list of logger code and a description of their station. Code in parenthesis is the name for the station. Naming conventions have varied over the years.
NOTE: some filenames in the code are suffixed with the date last changed and will be slightly different.
ANGELO CWS.CR1 Cahto Peak Weather Station (WSCP)
GHQ.CR1 Angelo Headquarters Gage at stilling well (GHQ)
Level1_1.CR1 Rivendell Level 1, logger 1 (Level 1_1)
Level1_2.CR1 Rivendell Level 1, logger 2 (Level 1_2)
Level2_1.CR1 Rivendell Level 2, logger 1 (Level 2_1)
Level2_2.CR1 Rivendell Level 2, logger 2 (Level 2_2)
Level2_3.CR1 Rivendell Level 2, logger 3 (Level 2_3)
Level3_1.CR1 Rivendell Level 3, logger 1 (Level 3_1)
Level3_2.CR1 Rivendell Level 3, logger 2 (Level 3_2)
Level4_1.CR1 Rivendell Level 4, logger 1 (Level 4_1)
Level5_1.CR1 Rivendell Level 5, logger 1 (Level 5_1)
SMSM.CR1 South (Blake's) Meadow Soil Moisture Station (SMSM). Started 2008 on CR10X. Migrated to CR1000 in 2016.
UC_Angelo.CR1 South (Blake's) Meadow Weather Station (WSSM)
VMS.CR1 Rivendell Vadose Monitoring System (VMS)
WSAngeloMeadow.CR1 Angelo (Peter's) Meadw Weather Station (WSAM)
WSHQ.CR1 Angelo Headquarters Weather Station (WSHQ)
WSIC.CR1 Rivendell Ingrid (Douglas Fir Tree) Canopy station (WSIC). Uplink for loggers to wireless network.
WSSR.CR1 Sagehorn Ranch Weather Station (WSSR)