- NPM updated
- Travis CI updated
- FIX: Button for saving on changing password was not rendering correctly.
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Fixed admin menu to hide on mobile
- Vuetify bumped to v2
- All node packages up to date
- Updated validation engine
- Light and dark mode added
- NPM updated
- Code coverage disabled for CI
- Fix for date-fns for using new version
- Logout tests
- NPM updated
- Code coverage
- Fix for travis
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Support Chinese. Thank you Xuwenzhi! (#87)
- Removed unused translation
- NPM updated
- Making ESLint 6 happy
- Making ESLint 6 happy
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Fix high memory consumption by cypress
- NPM updated
- Greeting user when logged in
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- New site version system generator and checker
- NPM updated
- Google Analytics in main.js
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Calling async actions now done from mounted instead of created
- GA code id tracking
- README.md updated
- Fix: If token is expired triggers store userLogout
- Google Analytics only in production mode
- Google Analytics only in production mode
- NPM updated
- Google Analytics only in production mode
- Default version.manifest
- Tranlations
- NPM updated
- Fix: mobile update error catched
- Fix: footer margins
- Footer component
- Project description component
- MDI icons
- Footer component
- Project description component
- MDI icons
- Footer component
- Project description component
- MDI icons
- NPM updated
- Fix notifications when switching locale
- Browser language is now automatically detected
- Common components imported as a plugin
- Toolbar component
- Success and error components moved to /common
- Heading and description components
- NPM update
- NPM update
- IMPROVEMENT: Success and Error messages now have notification queue
- WORKAROUND: Vuetify Datatables has a bug in Safari on Mac and iOS, did a small workaround
- FEATURE: Success and Error messages now have notification queue
- FIX: Tests for adminCities and adminUsers.
- FIX: Icons in datatables centered on any display size, also bigger to help mobile users.
- FIX: Got rid of UUoC (Useless use of cat) when creating version.manifest script
- FEATURE: Ability to refresh token when switching routes or making API calls
- FIX: Checks for app updates every 2 hours in case app is being used from mobile
- NPM update
- Use of resolve path alias
- SubmitButton component
- Added close button drawer in mobile menu
- NPM updated
- FEATURE: Checks for app updates every 2 hours in case app has been added to home screen in iOS and Chrome
- ESLint formidable new rules
- URL´s array that don´t need to send Bearer header
- api service to check version.manifest
- creates version.manifest on dist directory, gets version from package.json
- build script executes setversion.sh after build
- FEATURE: Added go back button in forgot password
- FIX: app title text is now responsive.
- FIX: app title added to 'add to home screen' feature in Android.
- FIX: app title added to 'add to home screen' feature.
- Added favicons (Standard, iOS, Android, Windows, Safari)
- README.md updated
- NPM updated
- Fixed README.md
- Fixed tests to handle page transitions
- Use of vue-meta to customize page titles between components
- Use of Vue router transitions between routes
- NPM updated
- Switched from moment.js to date-fns
- Badge for Travis build in README.md
- Tests reset password and verify account don´t run when Travis CI is executed
- Travis setup
- Travis setup
- Travis CI
- Refactor show loading
- Fix tests admin cities and admin users
- NPM updated
- Refactor success in actions
- Use of remark
- Refactor handleError in actions
- Use of remark to format markdown files
- Fix: testing tooltips
- Feature: Extract axios calls to apis. Thank you Eric! (#1)
- Translations
- New item proportional spacing
- Search input is clearable
- Tooltips in datatables now shows at top
- Icon plus added to new item
- Icons for users and cities in menus
- Margins alignment for app title and admin areas titles
- .enve2e added for end to end testing to use local api server
- main tag removed
- apache htaccess removed from /public
- Production source map false
- Translations
- README.md changes
- npm download shield added to README.md
- README.md changes
- README.md changes
- First stable release