- Submit a PR with the following changes
- Create release candidate branch on your fork (e.g. rcX.Y.Z)
- Update proteus/init.py (remove '.dev0' and increment version)
- Update setup.py (remove 'dev0' and increment version)
- Update docs/Doxyfile (remove '.dev0' and increment version)
- Submit PR and request two reviewers
- Wait for it to be merged into master
- Documentation no longer generated by Travis from tests on master; check manually
- Clone erdc/proteus-docs
- Checkout master
- Run make docs in proteus
- Open proteus-docs/index.html in your browser and check the website (e.g. version numbers, math/diagram rendering)
- Merge master into gh-pages in the proteus-docs repo
- Draft release on erdc/proteus
- List signficant changes and contributors since last release
- Clean up
- Create devX.Y.Z branch
- Update the version numbers back to X.Y.Z.dev0
- Create devX.Y.Z branch