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Stencil Template Engine

Stencil is an open source templating engine that transforms Office Open XML documents (mostly Microsoft Office's Word .docx files) from the JVM. It has a simple syntax and no programming is needed to write document templates.

stencil flow

You can use either Microsoft Word or LibreOffice to edit the document templates. The template expressions are just simple textual expressions, and you can even colour-code them to make your template more readable.

Clojars Project CI codecov contributions welcome

Hits EPL 2.0


  • 📄 Multiple Formats: Works with docx and pptx files
  • 💻 Simple syntax: For value substitution, conditional and repeating blocks
  • 🔧 Extendable: Dozens of built-in functions callable from the template
  • 📰 Dynamic content: Substituting HTML text for dynamic text formatting
  • 🌄 Images and links: Dynamically replace images and links in the template
  • 👀 Tables: Show/hide rows and columns in tables
  • 📐 Programmable: Offers API for Java and Clojure. Deployable as a Docker container.

📖 Getting Started with the Library

🐳 Getting Started with the Service

The project has a simple service implementation, which is available on GitHub Packages as a Container image.

👉 Version

Latest stable version is 0.6.1

Latest snapshot version is 0.6.2-SNAPSHOT

Previous versions are available on the Stencil Clojars page.

For Java with Maven

If you are using Maven, add the followings to your pom.xml:

  1. The dependency:
  1. And the Clojars repository:
For Java with Gradle

Add to the dependencies section of your build.gradle file: implementation('io.github.erdos/stencil-core:0.6.1')

For Clojure with Leiningen

If you are using Leiningen, add the following to the :dependencies section of your project.clj file:

[io.github.erdos/stencil-core "0.6.1"]

For Clojure with deps.edn

Add io.github.erdos/stencil-core {:mvn/version "0.6.1"}

😎 License

Copyright (c) Janos Erdos. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 2.0 ( which can be found in the file LICENSE.txt at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.