Vue js tools and css stylus
First install it as a dependency
npm i vtc -S
import vtc from 'vtc'
vtc.clone(foo, true)
import { clone } from 'vtc'
clone(foo, true)
- Cache(namespace): Cache class to store data in localStorage
- CacheTool: Cache tool to create and get data
- search(array, key): filter array that matched the given search key
- is[String|Number|RegExp|Bool|Date|Array|Object|Function](data): test given data's type is matched
- merge(to, vue merge, just merge the inited key
- clone(data, bool): clone data, deep clone when bool is true
- param(data): param data to http request object
- resolvePath(prefix, ...path): resolve path, like nodejs
- upperCaseFirst|lowerCaseFirst|param2Pascal|pascal2Param: words utils
- sleep(time): mock sleep method
# App.vue
<style lang="stylus">
@import '~vtc/stylus/index.styl'
@import '~vtc/css/index.css';