Embedded systems software fo written in C programming language for PIC18F4550 microcontrollers.
There are various development environments available for the PIC18f4550 controller but folling are steps through which the said microcontroller could be programmed using MPLABX IDE:
How to progam the PIC Microcontroller
I use the following IDEs for development:
- XC8, or sometimes Hi-Tech
After code development, for loading flash memory we can use this kit
- PIC kit1, PIC kit2, PIC kit3 or PIC kit4
MPLABX IDE is an Integrated Development Environment that is developed by Microchip and is used to develop a code for PIC microcontrollers.
Here are some useful links to help one get start with MPLABX IDE.
- Download compiler XC8 here: http://www.microchip.com/mplab/compilers
- Download MPLABX IDE here: http://www.microchip.com/mplab/mplab-x-ide