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A simple wrapper for interacting with Hyprland’s IPC using Common Lisp.


Notify the user

;; Porcelain will be added in the future so you don't have to use a raw string
(hyprland-ipc:hyprctl "notify 0 10000 rgb(abcdef) Hi mom!") ; -> "ok"

Get the title of the active window

(gethash "title" (hyprland-ipc:hyprctl "activewindow" t))   ; -> "*sly-mrepl for sbcl*"

Do a bunch of stuff at once

(hyprland-ipc:hyprctl-batch '("dispatch workspace 1"
                              "dispatch killactive"
                              "dispatch exec kitty"
                              "dispatch movecursor 100 10"))

Event shenanigans

Note the singular :active-window handler with three arguments that handles both the activewindow and activewindowv2 events.

(hyprland-ipc:handle-events :open-layer (lambda (namespace)
                                          (declare (ignorable namespace))
                                          (hyprland-ipc:hyprctl "dispatch exec kitty"))
                            :change-floating-mode (lambda (window-address floating)
                                                    (declare (ignorable window-address floating))
                                                    (format t
                                                            "Your ~A is: damn ~A.~%"
                                                            (gethash "class"
                                                                     (hyprland-ipc:find-client-data window-address))
                                                            (if (string= floating "1")
                                                                "Not Floating")))
                            :active-window (lambda (window-class window-title window-address)
                                             (declare (ignorable window-class window-title window-address))
                                             (format t
                                                     "Window with title \"~A\" just focused at 0x~A.~%"


Currently, the only supported Common Lisp implementation is SBCL (if anyone finds an alternative to sb-bsd-sockets that doesn’t suck feel free to make a PR).

This system is available on Ultralisp. With Quicklisp installed, run:

(ql-dist:install-dist "" :prompt nil)
(ql:quickload "cl-hyprland-ipc")


For Nix users, this repository provides a package through a flake. In any flake that wants to make use of this package, add: = {
  url = "github:eriedaberrie/cl-hyprland-ipc";
  inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # Advisable to prevent SBCL version mismatches

The flake provides the cl-hyprland-ipc package, for use in pkgs.sbcl.withPackages, the lispLibs attribute of pkgs.sbcl.buildASDFSystem, etc. It may be desirable to use something other than the latest sbcl, in which case the package’s lispImpl argument can be overridden (keep in mind that setting this to anything other than a version of SBCL is most likely not going to work). The Nixpkgs manual on Common Lisp in Nix.