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1 minute introduction

Metrics-scala provides a way to create metrics and health checks in Scala. It builds on Dropwizard's metrics-core and metrics-healthchecks java libraries.

Extend DefaultInstrumented and then use the metrics and healthCheck builders:

import nl.grons.metrics4.scala.DefaultInstrumented

class Example(db: Database) extends DefaultInstrumented {
  // Define a health check
  healthCheck("alive") { workerThreadIsActive() }

  // Define a timer metric
  private[this] val loading = metrics.timer("loading")

  // Use timer metric
  def loadStuff(): Seq[Row] = loading.time {

There are Scala wrappers for each metric type: gauge, counter, histogram, meter and timer. In addition you can use push gauges. All these are described below.

Health check support is described further at Health check support.

There are also helper methods to instrument Futures and Actors.

For more information on (JMX) reporters and other aspects of Metrics, please see the Dropwizard Metrics documentation.


All code examples assume:

import nl.grons.metrics4.scala._
import scala.concurrent.duration._


A gauge is the simplest metric type. It only returns a value. If, for example, your application has a value which is maintained by a third-party library, you can easily expose it by registering a Gauge instance which returns that value:

package com.example.proj.auth

class SessionStore(cache: Cache) extends DefaultInstrumented {
  metrics.gauge("cache-evictions") {

This will create a new gauge named com.example.proj.auth.SessionStore.cache-evictions which will return the number of evictions from the cache.

Gauges can be used for values of any type. For example, a gauge of type String might give the top slowest database query (see Top in rolling-metrics). Note that non-numeric gauges are ignored by some reporters (such as the Graphite reporter).

When a Gauge is created from an Actor with restart behavior, trait ActorInstrumentedLifeCycle should also be mixed in. See Instrumenting Actors for more information.

Note: if your application has some kind of restarting behavior and you want to re-register its gauges during the restart, you should invoke metrics.unregisterGauges() at the beginning of the restart. This will un-register all gauges that were registered from the current instance (or more precisely from the MetricBuilder instance which was created by the DefaultInstrumented trait). Trait ActorInstrumentedLifeCycle automates this for actors.

Cached gauges

In case the gauge method is expensive to calculate you can use a cached gauge. A cached gauge retains the calculated value for a given duration.

package com.example.proj

class UserRepository(db: Database) extends DefaultInstrumented {
  metrics.cachedGauge("row-count", 5.minutes) {

This will create a new gauge named com.example.proj.UserRepository.row-count which will return the results of the database query. Once the value is retrieved, it will be retained for 5 minutes. Only when the gauge's value is requested after these 5 minutes, the database query is executed again.

Push / settable gauges

Available since metrics-scala 4.1.5.

Regular gauges pull their values by executing the given code block. Push gauges are gauges to which you can push new values as they become available.

Metrics-scala introduced push gauges in March 2020. Dropwizard metrics introduced settable gauges (which do the same thing) in May 2021. Since metrics-scala 4.2.9 push gauges wrap Dropwizard's settable gauges. However, Metrics-scala continues to use the name 'push gauge'.

Example usage:

class ExternalCacheUpdater extends DefaultInstrumented {
  // Defines a push gauge
  private val cachedItemsCount = metrics.pushGauge[Int]("cached.items.count", 0)

  def updateExternalCache(): Unit = {
    val items = fetchItemsFromDatabase()
    cachedItemsCount.push(items.size)         // Pushes a new measurement to the gauge.

Push gauges retain their value forever. This may not always be desirable. For example, if the external cache in the code example above evicts items after 10 minutes, then the push gauge should not report measurements from more than 10 minutes ago. A push gauge with timeout fixes this:

// Defines a push gauge with timeout
private val cachedItemsCount = metrics.pushGaugeWithTimeout[Int]("cached.items.count", 0, 10.minutes)


A counter is an incrementing and decrementing 64-bit integer:

val evictions: Counter = metrics.counter("evictions")
evictions += 1
evictions -= 2

All Counter metrics start out at 0.

Concurrency counters

Counters have build in support for counting the number of concurrently running tasks:

val someWorkConcurrencyCounter: Counter = metrics.counter("concurrency.counter")
val result = someWorkConcurrencyCounter.countConcurrency {


A Histogram measures the distribution of values in a stream of data: e.g., the number of results returned by a search:

val resultCounts: Histogram = metrics.histogram("result-counts")
resultCounts += results.size()

Histogram metrics allow you to measure not only the basic things like the min, mean, max, and standard deviation of values, but also quantiles like the median or 95th percentile.

Traditionally, the way the median (or any other quantile) is calculated is to take the entire data set, sort it, and take the value in the middle (or 1% from the end, for the 99th percentile). This works for small data sets, or batch processing systems, but not for high-throughput, low-latency services.

The solution for this is to sample the data as it goes through. By maintaining a small, manageable reservoir which is statistically representative of the data stream as a whole, we can quickly and easily calculate quantiles which are valid approximations of the actual quantiles. This technique is called reservoir sampling.

Metrics provides a number of different Reservoir implementations, each of which is useful.

Uniform Reservoirs

A histogram with a uniform reservoir produces quantiles which are valid for the entirely of the histogram’s lifetime. It will return a median value, for example, which is the median of all the values the histogram has ever been updated with. It does this by using an algorithm called Vitter’s R, which randomly selects values for the reservoir with linearly-decreasing probability.

Use a uniform histogram when you’re interested in long-term measurements. Don’t use one where you’d want to know if the distribution of the underlying data stream has changed recently.

Exponentially Decaying Reservoirs

A histogram with an exponentially decaying reservoir produces quantiles which are representative of (roughly) the last five minutes of data. It does so by using a forward-decaying priority reservoir with an exponential weighting towards newer data. Unlike the uniform reservoir, an exponentially decaying reservoir represents recent data, allowing you to know very quickly if the distribution of the data has changed. Timers use histograms with exponentially decaying reservoirs by default.

Sliding Window Reservoirs

A histogram with a sliding window reservoir produces quantiles which are representative of the past N measurements.

Sliding Time Window Reservoirs

A histogram with a sliding time window reservoir produces quantiles which are strictly representative of the past N seconds (or other time period).

** Warning**: While SlidingTimeWindowReservoir is easier to understand than ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir, it is not bounded in size, so using it to sample a high-frequency process can require a significant amount of memory. Because it records every measurement, it’s also the slowest reservoir type.

Hint: Try to use the new optimised version of SlidingTimeWindowReservoir called SlidingTimeWindowArrayReservoir. It brings much lower memory overhead. Also it’s allocation/free patterns are different, so GC overhead is 60x-80x lower then SlidingTimeWindowReservoir. Now SlidingTimeWindowArrayReservoir is comparable with ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir in terms GC overhead and performance. As for required memory, SlidingTimeWindowArrayReservoir takes ~128 bits per stored measurement and you can calculate required amount of heap. For example: 10K measurements / sec with reservoir storing time of 1 minute will take 10000 * 60 * 128 / 8 = 9600000 bytes ~ 9 megabytes.

TODO: show how to use a different reservoir in a histogram.


A meter measures the rate at which a set of events occur:

val getRequests: Meter = metrics.meter("get-requests")

This meter measures the number of 'getRequests' per second.

Meters measure the rate of the events in a few different ways. The mean rate is the average rate of events. It’s generally useful for trivia, but as it represents the total rate for your application’s entire lifetime (e.g., the total number of requests handled, divided by the number of seconds the process has been running), it doesn’t offer a sense of recency. Luckily, meters also record three different exponentially-weighted moving average rates: the 1-, 5-, and 15-minute moving averages. Just like the Unix load averages visible in uptime or top.

Hint: A meter is similar to the Unix load averages visible in uptime or top.

Metering exceptions of partial functions

Metrics-scala allows you to convert any partial function into another partial function that meters exceptions during its invocations. See the scaladoc of Meter.exceptionMarkerPF.


A timer is basically a histogram of the duration of a type of event and a meter of the rate of its occurrence.

val timer: Timer = metrics.timer("get-requests")

timer.time {
    // handle request

Note: Elapsed times for its events are measured internally in nanoseconds, using Java’s high-precision System.nanoTime() method. Its precision and accuracy vary depending on operating system and hardware.

Timing partial functions

Metrics-scala allows you to convert any partial function into another partial function that times each invocation. See the scaladoc of Timer.timePF.

Metric names and the metrics builder

Each metric has a unique metric name. In metrics-scala the name starts with a name derived from the owner class. The owner class is the class that extends the DefaultInstrumented trait.

The metric name is build from:

  • Metric base name By default this is set to the owner class name (e.g., com.example.proj.auth.SessionStore).
  • Name: A short name describing the metric’s purpose (e.g., session-count).

The metric base name can be overridden as follows:

class Example extends DefaultInstrumented {
  override lazy val metricBaseName = MetricName("")

The factory methods metrics.gauge, metrics.counter, metrics.histogram, metrics.meter and metrics.timer also have a scope parameter. This parameter has been deprecated and will be removed in metrics-scala 5.0.0. If you find code that uses it, then refactor by concatenating scope to the name with a dot as separator. For example: metrics.timer("name", "scope") is 100% equivalent to metrics.timer("name.scope").

About DefaultInstrumented

DefaultInstrumented uses the Dropwizard 1.0.0+ application convention of storing the metric registry in metric-core's SharedMetricRegistries under the name "default". It extends this by also storing a health check registry in the metric-healthcheck's SharedHealthCheckRegistries under the same name.

Custom registries

If you wish to use a different metric registry or health check registry you can write a custom Instrumented trait. For metrics support the trait should extend InstrumentedBuilder, for health check support the trait should extend CheckedBuilder.

Here is an example that supports both:

object YourApplication {
  /** The application wide metrics registry. */
  val metricRegistry = new com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry()
  /** The application wide health check registry. */
  val healthChecksRegistry = new

import nl.grons.metrics.scala._
trait Instrumented extends InstrumentedBuilder with CheckedBuilder {
  lazy val metricRegistry = YourApplication.metricRegistry
  lazy val registry = YourApplication.healthChecksRegistry

Now use Instrumented in your code instead of DefaultInstrumented.

Next: Health check support