CLI tool to create, kill and list spot workers on AWS
Used by GFW staff to create / manage spot instances. Default instance ID is updated frequently to point at our preferred analysis AMI, which includes GDAL, gmt, and other common OSGEO packages.
Requires a tokens
dir with .pem file to allow fab to enter the machine, in addition to proper AWS / EC2 permissions.
Try running
aws s3 ls s3://gfw2-data/
If this works, you should be good to go to continue to the Install spotutil section. If this does not work, you'll need to install aws command line client. This will put your aws credentials somewhere accessible by the tool.
pip install awscli
When that completes, use your aws key and secret access key to establish aws credentials:
aws configure
Default region name: us-east-1
Default output format: json
pip install git+
Once setup is complete, the tool can be run from any directory.
Create a spot
spotutil new m4.large <key_pair>
Instance types commonly used: m4.large, m4.xlarge, m4.2xlarge, m4.4xlarge, m4.10xlarge, m4.16xlarge
For <key_pair>
use name for any key pair registered with your AWS account. Make sure you are in posession of the private key. You will need it to SSH into the machine
Lists the active spots
spotutil ls
Remove an active spot
spotutil rm [--username][--interal_ip][--external_ip]
Example: spotutil rm --username sgibbes.local