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312 lines (237 loc) · 8.27 KB


< moo >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

A nodejs clone of the classic cowsay and cowthink cli commands.

Coded from scratch in pure ES5 for maximum support, zero dependencies and well documented with JSDoc and TypeScript declaration files to use in modern develop environments.

Full coverage tests have been made comparing the outpus with the original cowsay commands to ensure the maximum fidelity.

Online example

Create your custom cows without install or code anything with Next Moo!


Just install the nodejs package.

npm i cowsayjs

Use the -g option to install globally on your system and make available the cli commands. Maybe you need run with sudo if you are using an unix system.

As this is a zero dependencies package, you can also clone the repository, but you have to setup the scripts manually to execute the cli commands.

git clone


You can use it as cli commands or a dependency of your back-end or front-end projects.


If you install the package globaly with the -g option of npm, three commands will be available on your system:

  • cowsayjs
  • cowthinkjs
  • moojs

They have exactly the same behavior of the original cowsay and cowthink commands, once installed, run cowsayjs -h, cowthinkjs -h or moojs -h to print the help.

moojs, cowsayjs, cowthinkjs v1.0.4
Copyright (c) 2021 Erick Rincones
Licensed under the MIT License

  A nodejs clone of the classic cowsay and cowthink cli commands.

Usage: moojs [options] [message]

  -h           Print this message
  -e EYES      Set the first two chars of EYES as the cow eyes
  -f COW       Specify the cow to use
  -l           Show the list of available cows
  -n           No wrap and show original message
  -r           A reflexive cow will think instead say the message
  -T TONGUE    Set the first tow characters of TONGUE as the cow tongue
  -W COLUMN    Specifies where the message should be wrapped
  -bdgpstwy    Select one mode to use a predefined face

By default EYES are "oo" and COLUMN is 40. The eyes and tongue
cannot be changed for some cows specified by the -f option.

  cowsayjs Moo world
  cowthinkjs -f small -b -T "U " -W 10 I am a reflexive little cow
  moojs -f dragon -r Another reflexive cow
  echo -e 'This message\n\nwill\tnot\n\n  be wraped' | moojs -n

Full documentation and source code:

You can get more details from the official documentation of the orirignal cowsay here cowsay(1). Note that moojs command includes the optional argument -r to generate a reflexive thinking cow, instead a talking cow.

The js suffix avoid collisions with the classic commands. When you are ready, just run the commands with the message and some options.

$ cowsayjs -f small I need a real job
< I need a real job >
       \   ,__,
        \  (oo)____
           (__)    )\
              ||--|| *

You can also pipe the output of any command as the message for your cow.

$ echo Everything is gonna be alright | moojs -r
( Everything is gonna be alright )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

NodeJS dependency

Depending on your project setup, you can import the main three functions in two ways.

// ES5
var cowsayjs = require("cowsayjs");

console.log(cowsayjs.moo("can you see me?"));
// ES6
import { cowsay, cowthink, moo } from "cowsayjs";

console.log(cowsay(`will anyone read this?`));

The three functions can recieve one or two parameters.

function moo(options?: CowAllOptions): string;
function moo(message?: string, options?: CowMooOptions): string;

function cowsay(options?: CowAllOptions): string;
function cowsay(message?: string, options?: CowOptions): string;

function cowthink(options?: CowAllOptions): string;
function cowthink(message?: string, options?: CowOptions): string;

The base for the cow options is a CowOptions.

interface CowOptions {
  cow?: string;
  mode?: string;
  eyes?: string;
  tongue?: string;
  wrap?: string | number | boolean | null;

CowMooOptions extends the base options and adds the action property that could be say or think to decide the cow action. This property only works for the moo function and is ignored by the cowsay and cowthink functions.

CowAllOption extends the CowMooOptions and adds the message property to pass the message to the cow. If the functions are called with two parameters, the first one is considered the message and the second one the options, so any value for options.message is ignored.

To disable the text wrapping, set false or null the wrap property. Default value is 40.

The default value for the eyes is "oo" and " " for the tongue. Just set any string to change it or one of the predefined modes using the id or name property to set the mode option.

modes = [
  { id: "u", name: "default" },
  { id: "b", name: "borg",     eyes: "==" },
  { id: "d", name: "dead",     eyes: "xx", tongue: "U " },
  { id: "g", name: "greedy",   eyes: "$$" },
  { id: "p", name: "paranoia", eyes: "@@" },
  { id: "s", name: "stoned",   eyes: "**", tongue: "U " },
  { id: "t", name: "tired",    eyes: "--" },
  { id: "w", name: "wired",    eyes: "OO" },
  { id: "y", name: "youthful", eyes: ".." }

Unknown values falls back to the u mode, wich is the default face.

Check the cows/ directory to see all the available cows files. Set the cow property of the options with the name of one cow file without .cow.js to use it.


cowsay("English is not my native language", {
  cow: "three-eyes",
  mode: "w",
  tongue: "U "
< English is not my native language >
        \  ^___^
         \ (OOO)\_______
           (___)\       )\/\
            U   ||----w |
                ||     ||
  message: `I have to sleep ${new Date().toISOString()}`,
  mode: `paranoia`,
  action: `think`,
  wrap: false
( I have to sleep          )
( 2021-04-08T06:27:51.776Z )
        o   ^__^
         o  (@@)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||


They are some aditional useful functions available. The modern code editors should show you the docummentation from the JDocs or TypeScript declaration files.

// List of cows
import { corral } from "cowsayjs/cows";

import {
  modes,    // List of modes
  faceMode, // Get mode for the given eyes and tongue
  modeFace  // Get face for the given mode
} from "cowsayjs/lib/mode";

import {
  perform,  // Generate a say or think box
  say,      // Generate a say box
  think     // Generate a think box
} from "cowsayjs/lib/box";


Install the dev dependencies to run the tests locally. The classic cowsay and cowthink commands must be installed in your system to be able to run the tests.


Licensed under the MIT license.

Share and enjoy!