Another OBJ/MTL 3D models viewer.
Checkout the msvc branch for the Visual Studio 2019 project.
- OBJ/MTL 3D models loading
- Interactive position, scale and rotation
- Interactive material attributes
- Reload materials in runtime
- Shaders loading in runtime
- 2D and cube maps textures loading in runtime
- Interactive camera
- Mouse and keyboard control
- Orthogonal and perspective projection
- Variable speed
- Lighting techniques
- Blinn-Phong
- Oren-Nayar
- Cook-Torrance
- Arbitrary number of lights
- Type of lights
- Directional
- Point
- Spotlight
- Shading techniques
- Normal mapping
- Occlusion parallax mapping
- Shadow mapping
- Deferred shading
- GLFW: Library for OpenGL
- Glad: OpenGL extension loader library
- GLM: OpenGL mathematics
- stb_image.h: Image loader
- Dear ImGui: Immediate mode graphical user interface
- ImGuizmo: Immediate mode 3D controls