This is a simple Node JSON REST API (No external module, No external framework) app app build to function as expected. The purpose is just to create a prototype to right a simple rest API in node, more coming.
node index.js
Send a get request to /hello
you will get a response related to this: { "message": "Hi, how're you doing?" }
To use this API application, you can add more to the handlers configuration in the index.js
// Define your handler function
handlers.time = (data = null, callback) => {
callback(200, {
'message': new Date()
// Register the route in the router object
router.time = handlers.time
curl "http://localhost:3000/time"
{ "message": "Wed Aug 29 2018 09:52:40 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)" }
Note, for the purpose of the application, I have generated an HTTPS cert.pem and key.pem files in order to make the HTTPS version work. However, in realtime production server, this 2 files should not be publicly revealed.
If you also wish you generate these SSL cert for development, you can follow this steps: Generating a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL