Set Game is a single-player card game implemented in SwiftUI following the MVVM architecture for the third assignment of Stanford CS193p - Developing Apps for iOS 2021 course.
The Set Game is played with a deck of cards, where each card has four features: shape, color, number, and shading. A "set" consists of three cards in which each feature is either the same on each card or different on each card. The goal is to find as many sets as possible.
Initially, the deck is populated with cards, and a player can select a set by tapping on three eligible cards. If the selected cards form a set, they are removed from the deck, and the player's score increases. The game continues until no more sets can be found or the deck is empty.
Clone the git repository:
git clone
Open the project in Xcode:
- Launch Xcode and select "Open another project...".
- Navigate to the location of the cloned repository and click "Open".
- Build and run the project using the Xcode play button.
Yusuf Erman ERGÖZ –
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.